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Career Transition Award for Tenure-Track Intramural Investigators (K22)

This award provides up to 3 years of extramural support to career intramural investigators at NIMH who aim to transition from the Division of Intramural Research Programs (IRP) to an independent research faculty position in the extramural community. The applicant will have a period of no more than 18 months to identify a suitable, independent research position at a domestic research institution/organization and negotiate a start-up package while continuing their independent research program in the IRP.

Notices of funding opportunities

PA-21-239  - K22 for NIMH Intramural Investigators - No Independent Clinical Trials

For NIH’s Definition of a Clinical Trial, please visit 

Due dates

New Applications: February 12, June 12, October 12 
Resubmissions: March 12, July 12, November 12

PD/PI eligibility

At the time an application is submitted (or resubmitted) for peer review, the PD/PI must be a tenure-track investigator conducting research in the NIMH IRP for at least five years. Individuals are NOT eligible to apply if they are negotiating and/or have accepted an independent faculty position, or its equivalent, in academia, industry, or elsewhere.

By the time of award, the individual must be a citizen or a non-citizen national of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (i.e., possess a currently valid Permanent Resident Card USCIS Form I-551, or other legal verification of such status).

Institution eligibility

Only NIMH intramural laboratories are eligible to apply for the intramural phase of the K22 on behalf of tenure-track investigators in the NIMH IRP.

For the extramural phase of the K22, an application will be submitted by the domestic, for-profit or non-profit, academic institution/organization (e.g., university, college, hospital, laboratory) at which the applicant has been recruited, offered and has accepted an independent research faculty position.

U.S. domestic institutions 
Foreign components allowed

Additional information

Award recipients will receive up to 18 months of support during the intramural phase of the K22 to continue conducting research in the NIMH IRP while seeking an independent research position at a domestic, extramural institution. The subsequent extramural phase provides up to 3 years of support at a domestic, extramural institution/organization to which the applicant has been offered and has accepted an independent research position. Phase 2 funding is NOT automatic and is subject to several conditions described in Section VI. Transition to Phase 2.

The application will be submitted while the applicant is in the NIMH IRP and research will span both intramural and extramural portions.

K22 transition guidance

Regular communication with the responsible NIMH Program Officer is strongly encouraged during Phase 1 so that they may provide technical assistance regarding the requirements for a Phase 2 award and completion of the Phase 2 application. NIMH K22 award recipients are expected to apply for NIH or other independent research grant support during the second year of the extramural phase (Phase 2) of the K22 award.

The Phase 2 application must be submitted at least three months before the desired effective date to allow the necessary time for staff review. Applications submitted after July 15 annually will generally not be reviewed until the next fiscal year (after October 1). The assigned NIMH Program Officer will review the Phase 2 application and make a recommendation concerning award. The Institute’s decision is not subject to appeal. 

Salary and research support

Intramural Salary Support: Salary will be consistent with that provided by the intramural program for other investigators in the same position.

Extramural Research and Salary Support: Up to $300,000 direct costs per year. This may include salary support for up to 6 person-months effort per year (not to exceed the legislatively mandated cap), see the Salary Cap Summary 

Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to review the funding opportunity and the FAQs below prior to contacting the appropriate NIMH Research Training and Career Development representative for additional information.

To compare across K mechanisms (i.e., salary support, effort, etc.), see the Table of K Parameters.


Q: Am I eligible if I’m a tenure-track intramural investigator from another institute?

A: No. Only tenure-track investigators currently conducting research in NIMH intramural programs are eligible to apply.

Q: Do I need to have a faculty position secured to be eligible?

A: No. In fact, individuals who are in the process of negotiating or have already secured an extramural, academic tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions are not eligible.

Q: May I apply if I am on a temporary visa? 

A: You may apply but must be a be a citizen or a non-citizen national of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (i.e., possess a currently valid Permanent Resident Card USCIS Form I-551, or other legal verification of such status) at the time of the award. Check the U.S. State Department website  for current guidance on waiting times.

Q: At the time of the Phase 2 award, do I need to have a “full-time” appointment at an academic institution? 

A. Yes. Applicants are required to have a “full-time” appointment at an academic institution to be granted the Phase 2 award. Phase 2 awardees are required to commit a minimum of 50% of full-time professional effort (i.e., a minimum of 6 person-months) to their mental-health research. Applicants may engage in other duties as part of the remaining 50% of their full-time professional effort not covered by this award, as long as such duties do not interfere with or detract from the proposed career development program.

Q: Is there a K22 Career Transition Award that includes a clinical trial component?

A: No. The NIMH K22 program is not intended for research involving an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or an ancillary clinical trial.