News and Events
NIH SBIR Podcast – All About Diversity
In this installment of the "All About Grants" podcast series, small business innovators can learn more about programs geared towards women-owned companies or those led by socially or economically disadvantaged groups. Highlights include: who qualifies, tips for strengthening your application, and what goes on behind-the-scenes in a study section reviewing the merit of your application.
Entrepreneurial Finance for Biomedical Innovators
This free video course is intended to help researchers learn how financial planning can help navigate and mitigate risks for small businesses and can enhance chances of success along the pathway to commercialization. The videos are presented by Rana K. Gupta, Director of Faculty Entrepreneurship at Boston University, where he works with faculty to help them develop plans to match their technology commercialization and entrepreneurial objectives.
Notice of Information
We would like to call your attention to the following notice highlighting our interest in research that will support development, refinement, and implementation of evidence-supported digital health technology into routine practice. We encourage potential applicants to contact the Program Contacts listed in the Notice and relevant Funding Opportunity Announcements to discuss the match between potential research applications and current NIMH priorities as far in advance as possible.
NOT-MH-18-031: NIMH High-Priority Areas for Research on Digital Health Technology to Advance Assessment, Detection, Prevention, Treatment, and Delivery of Services for Mental Health Conditions
Definition of a Clinical Trial
NIH’s Definition of a Clinical Trial had been updated. Funding Opportunities Announcements will be released soon with updated clinical trial policy.