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Script for Nursing Staff

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Say to parent/guardian:
“National safety guidelines recommend that we screen all kids for suicide risk. We ask these questions in private, so I am going to ask you to step out of the room for a few minutes. If we have any concerns about your child’s safety, we will let you know.”

Once parent steps out, say to patient:
“Now I’m going to ask you a few more questions.” Administer the ASQ and any other questions you want to ask in private (e.g. domestic violence).

If patient screens positive, say to patient:
“I’m so glad you spoke up about this. I’m going to talk to your parent and your medical team. Someone who is trained to talk with kids about suicide is going to come speak with you.”

If patient screens positive, say to parent/guardian:
“We have some concerns about your child’s safety that we would like to further evaluate. It’s really important that he/she spoke up about this. I’m going to talk to your medical team, and someone who is trained to talk with  kids about suicide is going to come speak with you and your child.”