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Disasters and Emergencies: NIH Response for Grantees

In emergency situations, the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH’s) immediate concern is for the health and safety of people and animals in the programs we support and oversee. We are also deeply concerned about the health of the biomedical enterprise in the affected area, and we are committed to working with researchers and institutions to do all that we can to ensure that NIH-funded research continues.

NIH’s Office of Extramural Research (OER) provides information intended to be a resource for the entire biomedical research community in such situations. They provide links to NIH Guide Notices and other information of particular relevance to investigators and their institutions, links to web pages listing NIH’s response to certain major events (past and present); and links to similar web sites from other Federal agencies. This information is available at OER’s NIH Extramural Response to Natural Disasters and Other Emergencies  web page.