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Transforming the understanding
and treatment of mental illnesses.

Strategy for Research Grants

The NIMH Strategic Plan for Research outlines the research goals and priorities of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) over the next five years. These priorities are a guide for the Institute’s funding strategy for research grants.

FY 2023 Interim Funding Strategy for Research Grants

The mission of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.

NIMH’s work toward this mission is guided by our Strategic Plan for Research. NIMH’s funding priorities are also highlighted in the President’s Budget Request each fiscal year (FY).


NIH is currently operating under a continuing resolution (CR) , which continues government operations at the FY 2022 level. This funding strategy will be updated when FY 2023 appropriations are enacted, and final funding policies are determined.

Non-Competing Continuation Research Awards

Until the FY 2023 appropriation is finalized, NIH will issue non-competing continuation research awards at a level below the amount indicated on the most recent Notice of Award (generally up to 90% of the previously committed level).

Final adjustments to awarded levels and out-year committed funding levels will be considered after FY 2023 appropriations are enacted, but NIH expects institutions to monitor their expenditures carefully during this CR period.

Competing Research Project Grant Awards

NIMH continues to apply NIH cost management guidelines when making competing research project grant awards. Although funding decisions are generally made in priority score or percentile order, final funding decisions are based on alignment with the NIMH Strategic Plan for Research, considerations of program balance, representation of diverse perspectives, availability of funds, and recommendations from the National Advisory Mental Health Council

NIMH also supports the Next Generation Researchers Initiative  and will prioritize funding for early-stage investigators and will consider competitive researchers at risk of losing NIH funding. 

NIMH still expects to be able to fund most of the competing research project grant applications that have an impact score up through the 10th percentile.  

Pending a final budget, NIMH expects to fund three-fourths of applications under the 20th percentile and many applications up to the 25th percentile for new and early stage investigators.

Funding-Related Policies, Procedures, and Ethics

The NIMH research and funding strategy is guided by a number of policies and procedures: 

Additional Resources

The following additional resources may be of help for those interested in NIMH funding.