Research Conducted at NIMH (Intramural Research Program)
The Division of Intramural Research Programs (IRP) at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the internal research division of the NIMH. The division plans and conducts basic, clinical, and translational research to advance understanding of the diagnosis, causes, treatment, and prevention of psychiatric disorders. NIMH IRP conducts state-of-the-art research that utilizes the unique resources of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), provides an environment conducive to the training and development of clinical and basic scientists, and in part, complements extramural research activities.

NIMH Intramural Research Program (IRP) investigators — which include scientists, physicians, and clinicians — conduct research ranging from studies into mechanisms of normal brain function at the behavioral, systems, cellular, and molecular levels, to clinical investigations into the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness.

Research Groups
Over 40 groups conduct research from basic neuroscience to clinical trials of mental illness, brain function and behavior at the NIH main campus in Bethesda, Maryland. Learn more about their research projects, staff, publications, and resources.

About the Office of Fellowship Training
The NIMH IRP Office of Fellowship Training supports and promotes a productive and fulfilling research training experience, providing opportunities to build professional skills.

Office of the Scientific Director (OSD)
Learn more about the scientific, programmatic, and administrative leadership for the Division of Intramural Research Programs.

Collaborations and Partnerships
Discover NIMH IRP’s collaborations and partnerships, which are an important component of many NIMH activities, including clinical trials, education and training programs, and research.

Join a Study
NIMH NIH clinical researchers test new ways to prevent, detect, or treat mental illnesses and psychiatric disorders. Learn more about how to participate in outpatient and inpatient studies at the NIH Clinical Center for adults and children with depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, postpartum depression, perimenopausal depression, premenstrual syndrome, suicidality, Trisomy X, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, dysruptive mood dysregulation disorder, and others.