FAQs for RFA-MH-13-022: Competitive Revision Applications for Research on Neural Processes Underlying Sex Differences Related to Risk and Resilience for Mental Illness (P50)
Should a P50 revision application propose to supplement all of the projects in the Center?
No. This RFA is soliciting competitive revision applications to supplement one of the individual projects within the Center.
What if we’d like to supplement more than one of the projects in the Center?
Each revision application should focus on one individual project within the Center. If the PI wishes to submit revision applications for more than one project within the Center, he/she should submit a separate application for each project.
Does the revision application need to address the “centeredness” of the entire parent grant?
No. Consideration of applications submitted in response to this RFA will focus on the degree to which each application adds a significant investigation of mental health relevant sex differences to a single Center project. Applications will not be required to specifically address how the revision augments the entire Center.
What are the Research Strategy page limitations?
The page limitations for competitive revision applications are the same as those for the original, parent application. That is, for individual P50 projects (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-11-126.html ):
- The specific aims should not exceed 1 page.
- Research strategies for projects without clinical subjects may not exceed 6 pages.
- Research strategies for projects with clinical subjects may not exceed 12 pages.
Who should be the PI for the revision application?
The PI for the entire parent Center grant should be the submitting/contact PI for any and all competitive revision applications to that Center.
Which personnel need to be included in the supplement application?
In addition to the Center PI, those personnel actually involved in the competitive revision project should be included in the application. Personnel involved in other Center projects who are not directly involved in the competitive revision project need not be included.
For additional questions, please contact:
Stacia Friedman-Hill, Ph.D
Division of Developmental Translational Research
Telephone: (301) 443-8458
Email: friedmans@mail.nih.gov
Janine Simmons, M.D., Ph.D
Division of Neuroscience and Basic Behavioral Science
National Institute of Mental Health
Telephone: (301) 443-1576
Email: simmonsj@mail.nih.gov