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 Archived Content

The National Institute of Mental Health archives materials that are over 4 years old and no longer being updated. The content on this page is provided for historical reference purposes only and may not reflect current knowledge or information.

Teen Depression Study - 1


>> ANNOUNCER: You’re worried. Your child has been sad or irritable for days, and doesn’t seem interested in activities they usually find fun. They’re not eating the same way. They don’t spend time with friends. School is a struggle. Despite their low energy, they can get easily riled up and angry. 1 in 10 adolescents has depression. NIMH conducts research studies to understand the causes of depression, the teen brain, and evaluate new treatments. Studies enroll participants, ages 11-17, for research assessments, brain scans, talk therapy or other standard treatments. Find out if your teen is eligible to join a research study today. Visit and get started.