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RDoC Unit to Co-host Webinar Series

Series will examine science-to-service pipeline in psychology and psychiatry

Science Update

In November 2016, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) unit, the Delaware Project (DP) , and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)  will launch a webinar series examining the science-to-service pipeline in psychology and psychiatry.

All three organizations emphasize research-driven strategies for understanding psychological disorders. They focus on how an interdisciplinary perspective that includes behavior, biology, emotion, and cognition can be used to parse psychological problems, teach new ways of thinking about them, and assess and treat them more effectively. Using this theme, this webinar series will feature a variety of speakers and topics that will demonstrate how basic science, translational research, and treatment are connected to each other. To learn more about the series, please see the Meeting Announcement page.

“It is very encouraging to see how RDoC can be utilized in various contexts, considering that the framework was originally intended primarily for laboratory research. As the webinars will showcase, there is a need for pathways to understand mechanisms mediating behavioral change in treatment settings as well,” noted Dr. Bruce Cuthbert, director of the RDoC Unit.

Title: The Delaware Project – ABCT – RDoC Webinar Series 
Time and Date: November 17, 2016, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. ET

The first webinar in this series will highlight the role of fear and anxiety in disorders such as phobias and depression. Dr. Stewart Shankman  will discuss research from his lab that sheds light on the neurophysiological mechanisms of fear and anxiety. Dr. Alicia Meuret  will discuss her work linking these mechanisms to treatment outcome trials in fear and anxiety-related problems. Dr. Shannon Wiltsey-Stirman will focus on how to apply such evidence-based interventions in the clinic, and how to address potential obstacles in this process. Dr. Timothy Fowles, a leading expert in the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based practices, will serve as the moderator.