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School Health Implementation Network: Eastern Mediterranean Region (SHINE)

School Health Implementation Network: Eastern Mediterranean Region (SHINE)


Contact Principal Investigator: Atif Rahman, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator: Larry Wissow, M.D.

Hub Activity Sites

United Kingdom
United States

Project Overview

School Health Implementation Network: Eastern Mediterranean Region  (SHINE) is a collaborative network involving four countries in the World Health Organization’s Eastern Mediterranean Region (WHO-EMRO). Its principal focus is scaling up school-based mental health services. An implementation study is taking place in Pakistan, and capacity-building activities are occurring in Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, and Iran.

Implementation Research Study

The implementation study is designed to assess the effectiveness of both an intervention and an implementation strategy. The study is embedded in Pakistan’s scale up of the WHO-EMRO evidence-based, manualized School Mental Health Intervention. The study compares two implementation methods – conventional versus technology-assisted delivery of teacher training, guidance of child intervention, and monitoring of outcomes. It also models the costs of implementing the technology-assisted model and develops a rapid replication toolkit for adaptation and scale up to diverse settings.

Research Capacity Building

The capacity-building component is hosted by the WHO-EMRO in Egypt and involves participants from all four countries.  Participants develop research skills to aid implementation of school-based interventions for child mental health; apply science-based methods and information to develop child mental health policies and plans; and use their skills to build the child mental health research and policy capacity in their respective countries. This is done through courses, seminars, and an online resource repository, through which partners may share network resources more broadly in their respective countries.

Project website: School Health Implementation Network Eastern Mediterranean Region-SHINE