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Research Programs Spanning Childhood and Adulthood

Prevention Intervention Research Program

The Prevention Intervention Research Program is a developmentally focused theory-based research program that spans the life course, from prenatal though adulthood.  While the targeted developmental stage may change, the primary focus of these interventions is on reducing risk and increasing protective factors that can modify proximal outcomes (e.g., self-regulation, skill development) as well as long-term, distal outcomes (e.g., depression, anxiety).  Transition periods (e.g., biological, normative, social, traumatic) are important opportunities for the implementation of prevention interventions (e.g., pregnancy, transition to elementary school, high school, college).  The Prevention Intervention Research Program supports research examining the efficacy and effectiveness of prevention interventions conducted in a variety of contexts and settings.  Populations at increased risk for mental health disorders and populations experiencing health disparities are of particular interest.


Mary Rooney, Ph.D.

Suicide Prevention Research Program

The Suicide Prevention Research Program portfolio includes youth and adult-related risk detection, interventions to reduce suicide ideation, attempts and deaths, ranging from exploratory/feasibility studies to effectiveness research. Enhanced approaches to detection, screening, assessment, intervention, follow-up/relapse prevention, as well as types of prevention (universal, selected, indicated) are included. Intervention efforts that address the potential scope of suicide burden (ideation, attempts and/or deaths) or related outcomes (other sources of mortality; functioning) in particular settings or communities are encouraged.

For additional information see A Prioritized Research Agenda for Suicide Prevention: An Action Plan to Save Lives  from the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention .


Stephen O'Connor, Ph.D.

Small Business Innovation Research Program and Small Business Technology Transfer Program (SBIR/STTR)

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program supports research and development by small businesses of innovative technologies that have the potential to succeed commercially or provide significant societal benefits. The Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program has the same objectives but requires academic research involvement. The Treatment and Preventive Intervention Research Branch’s SBIR/STTR Program supports the development and testing of innovative products to effectively diagnose, prevent, and treat mental health disorders.

Additional information can be found on the NIMH SBIR and STTR webpage.


Adam Haim, Ph.D.