Floreo – Virtual reality learning tools to help individuals with autism
Watch this video with Vijay Ravindran, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Floreo Inc. and father of a child on the autism spectrum. Floreo is a learning app that uses virtual reality as a method for teaching science-based social and communication skills to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Floreo is currently being used as a supplementary learning tool by schools, therapy practices, medical practitioners, and parents. In this video, Ravindran describes what led to the development of this virtual reality tool for individuals with autism, how Floreo went about securing academic research partners, and the importance of Small Business Technology Transfer funding to the development and testing of the program. Floreo is currently running several studies, including a study in collaboration with the Center for Autism Research at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Location: Washington, DC
Company Website: https://floreotech.com/
Contact (for questions about Floreo): info@floreotech.com
Contact (for questions about the NIMH SBIR/STTR Program): https://www.nimh.nih.gov/funding/sbir/contacts
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