Alice Graham

+1 301 451 2285
Alice Graham is a Behavioral Neuroscience Animal Biologist in the Rodent Behavioral Core (RBC) at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). She works with the core staff to support and help facilitate research in the RBC. She works with students and trainees to provide technical guidance and assist with protocol development and execution. Alice received a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Maryland University College while working at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS). Prior to joining the core, Alice worked with Dr. Neil Grunberg at USUHS in research focusing on appetitive behaviors, traumatic brain injury, the psychobiological and behavioral response to stress, and addiction. She also worked with Dr. Camila Almeida and Dr. Patricia Deuster in the Consortium for Health and Military Performance, a DoD Center of Excellence in Research focusing on dietary supplements, ketone bodies, traumatic brain injury, and stress. In addition to her laboratory interests, Alice works with a non-profit foundation in Washington, DC, Housing Up, which focuses on assisting homeless, low-income, and at-risk individuals and families by providing affordable housing and resources to help them rebuild their lives.
Peer-Reviewed Papers
Almeida-Suhett CP, Graham A, Chen Y, Deuster P. Behavioral changes in male mice fed a high-fat diet are associated with IL-1β expression in specific brain regions. Physiol Behav. 2017 Feb 1;169:130-140. PMID: 27876639.
Almeida-Suhett CP, Scott JM, Graham A, Chen Y, Deuster PA. Control diet in a high-fat diet study in mice: Regular chow and purified low-fat diet have similar effects on phenotypic, metabolic, and behavioral outcomes. Nutr Neurosci. Ahead of Print. PMID: 28721750.
Almeida-Suhett, C., Graham, A.M., Yu, T., Chen, Y. & Deuster, P. (2016, April) Behavioral alterations in mice fed a high-fat diet are associated with inflammation in the hippocampus and amygdala. Presented at Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
Almeida-Suhett, C., Graham, A.M., & Deuster, P. (2017, May) The effect of dietary ration of omega-6 to omega-3 polunsaturated fatty acids on phospholipid profile is tissue dependent in male C57BL/6J. Presented at USUHS Research Days, Bethesda, Maryland.
Graham, A.M., Almeida-Suhett, C., Namboodiri, M., Clarke, K., & Deuster, P. (2018) A Ketone Mono-Ester, 3-Hydroxybutyl-3-Hydroxybutyrate, Attenuates Motor and Sensory Deficits in a CCI Model of TBI in Male Sprague-Dawley Rats. Presented at USUHS Research Days, Bethesda, Maryland.
Grunberg, N.E., Mack, R.E., Baisley M., Barry, E.S., Graham A.M., & Weisbrod, A.S. (2015). Nicotine and stress have greater cognitive effects on females than males. Preseneted at Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Moosey, M., Barry, E.S., Finton, B.J., Cravedi, K., Graham, A.M., Weisbrod, A.S., Yarnell, A.M., & Grunberg, N.E., (2015, Feb) Nicotine attenuates depression-related behaviors in female but not male rats. Presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Moosey, M., Barry, E.S., Finton, B.J., Graham, A.M., Weisbrod, A., Yarnell, A.M., & Grunberg, N.E. (2013, May). Behavior, environment, affect, threat and nicotine (BEAT-Nic). Presented at USUHS Research Days, Bethesda, Maryland.