South Asian Hub for Advocacy, Research & Education on Mental Health — SHARE

Contact Principal Investigator: Vikram Patel, MD, PhD
Principal Investigator: Atif Rahman, MD, PhD
Hub Activity Sites
- Afghanistan
- Bangladesh
- India
- Nepal
- Pakistan
- Sri Lanka
SHARE is a multi-component, multi-country program whose goal is to establish a collaborative network of institutions to conduct and implement research that answers questions related to policies for reducing the mental health treatment gap in South Asia. Through its Thinking Health Programme/Peer delivery project, SHARE will develop an innovative, effective, and sustainable approach for the delivery of an established psychological treatment that reduces the burden of depression in mothers in South Asia. The group aims to address a key barrier to the scaling up of mental health interventions in LMIC—the lack of trained local providers—by adapting an existing evidence-based intervention, so that it can be delivered by peer counselors (experienced women living in the same community) in partnership with established community health workers (CHWs). SHARE builds on the historic relationships between international and South Asian institutions to establish a network of engaged and enabled institutions in the region; a cohort of trained researchers at a range of stages of career development; a set of established mental health research sites in the two largest countries of the region; and, a set of established links between researchers and policy makers and civil society for translation of research.
Project webiste: