Geriatric Multi-Modality Intervention Program
This program supports experimental and observational studies of the development and testing of strategies combining pharmacologic or somatic interventions with behavioral or psychosocial interventions for the treatment, prevention, or rehabilitation of the mental disorders of late life. Protocols include combination, augmentation, sequential, and switching strategies. Acute, continuation, and maintenance approaches are evaluated. Program includes studies of relapse prevention and enhancement of function/reduction of disability.
Areas of Emphasis
- Studies comparing the time-course and benefits of treatment modalities, stressing completeness and durability of clinical and functional improvements.
- Studies testing sequential algorithms for combining or changing interventions to address inadequate treatment response and/or residual symptoms.
- Studies of optimal ways to combine or sequence interventions to address the multiple treatment needs of patients with comorbid conditions.
Jovier D. Evans, Ph.D.
Program Officer
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 7113, MSC 9634