Change of Grantee Institution Instructions
Instructions for Change of Grantee Institution Applications for Career Development Awards
An abbreviated application, using the Research Career Award Section of PHS Form 398 (rev. 11/2007), must be submitted by the new institution. This application will be evaluated by the assigned Program Officer and by the responsible Grants Specialist and should provide detailed information in the areas outlined below. The authorized institutional official sends the change of institution application as a PDF email attachment to the Program Officer and Grants Management Specialist named on the Notice of Award.
Questions concerning change of institution applications may be directed to the Program Officer or Grants Specialist named on the Notice of Award.
Letters of Reference: omit
Basic Administrative Data
- Face Page (Form Page 1): Complete all items including the signature of the institutional signing official.
- Form Page 2: Summarize the goals of the research and career plans as well as the reason(s) for the transfer of institution in the Description. The remaining items are required and self-explanatory.
- Table of Contents (CDA Substitute Form Page 3): Self-explanatory.
- Budget (Form Pages 4 and 5): Form Page 4 should provide detailed information and Form Page 5 should summarize the funds requested for each year of support remaining in the current project period. Direct costs in a change of institution application cannot exceed the total amount previously approved for each of the remaining budget periods. Justify any costs that differ significantly from previously approved budget items (e.g., personnel costs, equipment, and other expenses).
- Biographical Sketches: Provide a current Biographical Sketch using the Biographical Sketch Format Page for the PI and mentor/co-mentor(s), as applicable.
- Other Support: Provide Other Support information for the PI and mentor/co-mentor(s).
- Resources: Provide detailed information about the facilities available at the new institution using the Resources Format Page.
Specialized Information
- The Candidate: Describe how the career goals and previously planned career development will be enhanced by the move to the new institution.
- Statements by Mentor, Co-Mentor(s), Consultant(s), and Contributor(s): Provide detailed information if any of these individuals will change from the original application, or if the applicant's mode(s) of interaction with these individuals will change. It is essential to provide a detailed statement by any new mentor(s) for mentored career development awards (K01, K08, K22, and K23), highlighting the scientific credentials and mentoring track record of the new mentor. If the current mentor(s) will continue to mentor the applicant after the grant is transferred to the new institution, the current mentor should describe the new working relationship.
- Environment and Institutional Commitment to Candidate: This section is critical for evaluating the merit of the request to transfer the grant to another institution. A signed letter of institutional commitment from the new institution is required.
- Research Plan: Describe any changes to the original research plan. Explain how the research plan may be enhanced by the move to the new institution. Please note that the originally proposed research plan will continue to serve as the basis for the research that will be conducted at the new institution. K02 and K24 awardees should give examples of potential new collaborations (provide letters of commitment under #2 above) that might improve the overall plan. Updated Protection of Human Subjects and/or Vertebrate Animals sections are required, as applicable.