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Section on Cellular and Cognitive Neurodevelopment

Section on Cellular and Cognitive Neurodevelopment

At the Section on Cellular and Cognitive Neurodevelopment we are interested in the role of thalamocortical circuits in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. We have specific interest in an understudied region of the thalamus known as the medial pulvinar (Pm) , which has been implicated in schizophrenia from human brain tissue samples that reveal a decrease in size compared to samples from donors without a history of the disease. Furthermore, we are working to highlight the role of perturbations during development on the pathophysiology of psychiatric illnesses.

The lab uses a multidisciplinary approach to examine thalamocortical circuits in developing brains. This cell-to-system approach allows us to build upon extensive cellular knowledge and techniques and apply these even more complex neuronal connections. With these tools we aim to elucidate the pathogenesis of these intricate disruptions to neural networks that have been shown to be altered in human patients.

For more information and to learn more about opportunities with the lab please contact Dr. Bourne at

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