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Section on Neural Function (SNF)

How to Find Us

The SNF lab is located in the Porter Neuroscience Research Center, pictured here.

The Section on Neural Function (SNF) lab is located in the Porter Neuroscience Research Center (PNRC, aka Bldg. 35; shown above) on the Bethesda campus of the National Institutes of Health.

NIH can be reached by Washington DC Metro or car. Campus access is restricted and visitors are required to pass through security. For further information consult the following link, which includes a campus map: .

The SNF lab is located on the 1st floor of the “B Pod” of the PNRC. Enter the B Pod through the door next to the Orange Skybox above the atrium, on the west side. Follow the corridor to the left to the end. The lab is located to the right along the west side of the building where the windows face Old Georgetown Rd.