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Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Core (MRS)

Proton Spectroscopy of Rat Brain

For the in vivo studies using rat models, various localized proton spectroscopy techniques have been developed on an 11.7 T spectrometer with 89-mm vertical bore magnet. This high field spectrometer provides excellent signal-to-noise ratio and spectral resolution which allows user to observe certain NMR signals that are not detected in the lower field spectrometers.

MRS Techniques Image
Figure 6 (above) is an in vivo 1H short-TE spectrum
acquired using the adiabatic three dimensional
localization method (TR/TE = 5000/15 ms, 3.5 × 2.0 ×
4.5 mm3, NS = 128) from an oblique spectroscopy
voxel. The phosphocreatine methylene peak at 3.93
ppm and creatine methylene peak at 3.92 ppm are
clearly resolved. The labeled peaks are: 1
,5,6-myo-Inositol; 2-phosphocreatine; 3-creatine;
4, 17-glutamine+glutamate, 7,8-taurine;
9-choline-containing compounds; 1
0-phosphocreatine+creatine; 11-aspartate;
12,13,18-N-acetylaspartate; 14-glutamine;
15-glutamate; 16-gamma-aminobutyric acid;
19- lactate.