Depression and Brain Imaging Studies
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
Researchers need people who are depressed to volunteer for a research study looking at the brain.
A Family Study, What Impacts Mood, Sleep, and Energy?
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
This research study is enrolling people to help us understand how physical activity, daily rhythms, and light affect mental health.
Brain and Body Imaging Studies
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
Several investigational studies are measuring proteins in the brain and body using Positron Emission Tomography (PET) technology to better understand the biological basis of mental illness and to eventually pave the way for new treatments.
Brain and Cognition Research Study
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
Researchers are enrolling healthy volunteers for an outpatient research study to learn more about how the brain works.
Brain Imaging and Depression Studies
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
Researchers need people who are depressed to volunteer for a research study looking at the brain.
Brain Imaging Studies
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
Several research studies are measuring proteins in the brain using Positron Emission Tomography (PET) technology to better understand the biological basis of mental illness and to eventually pave the way for new treatments.
Compulsivity in Young Adults, Ages 18 to 30
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
This outpatient research studies the links between compulsivity, genetics, and the brains of young adults. Study participation is symptom-based. This study has parts that can be done remotely and parts that are conducted at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Participants get a detailed assessment, clinical feedback, diagnosis or referrals and resources.
Depression & Transcranial Electric Stimulation Therapy (TEST)
Enrolling nationally from around the country
Researchers are testing a new type of investigational non-invasive brain stimulation to see if it is safe and potentially helpful to treat depression symptoms.
Depression Evaluations for Medication and Brain Imaging Studies
Enrolling nationally from around the country
This study screens for various inpatient and outpatient studies that investigate the brain and experimental medications (such as ketamine) to quickly lift severe and hard-to-treat depressive symptoms.
Depression Research, Testing an Investigational Drug
Enrolling nationally from around the country
This inpatient study is testing the effectiveness of an investigational new drug, HNK, which comes from ketamine.
Depression, Ketamine and Perampanel vs. Placebo
Enrolling nationally from around the country
This research study is trying to better understand how ketamine (an FDA-approved anesthetic) works to provide rapid antidepressant effects. Researchers want to see if the antidepressant response of ketamine is linked to a specific protein in the brain, called AMPA receptors, and if taking perampanel (an FDA-approved epilepsy medication) with ketamine weakens or eliminates its antidepressant response.
Depression, Repeated Doses of Ketamine, and Neuroimaging
Enrolling nationally from around the country
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the rapid and sustained antidepressant effects of repeated doses of ketamine in the brain. We want to learn how ketamine affects areas of the brain important in regulating mood and if there are unique signatures that could help predict who may respond to the drug. Also, we want to see if repeated doses of ketamine are safe and effective in treating the symptoms of depression.
Depression, TMS, Psychotherapy and Brain Function
Enrolling nationally from around the country
This research study seeks depressed participants to test the effects of the combination of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and psychotherapy on brain function.
Does HIV Infection contribute to dementia and depression?
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
This research study seeks to understand how HIV infection affects the brain, moods, memory, thinking and concentration and how it may contribute to dementia and depression. Researchers will compare persons with and without HIV infection.
Help Us Learn More About How People Cope with Frustration
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
NIH Research Study, Help Us Learn More About How People Cope with Frustration
How Emotional States affect Decision-Making
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
How we feel can impact the choices we make. Feelings of sadness, stress, or pain can change our behavior. Researchers want to learn more about the choices we make when feeling bad.
Impulsivity in Young Adults Ages 18 to 30
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
This outpatient research studies the links between links between impulsivity, genetics, and the brains of young adults. Study participation is symptom-based. This study has parts that can be done remotely and parts that are conducted at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Participants get a detailed assessment, clinical feedback, diagnosis or referrals and resources.
Investigating Attention and Emotional Memory in Adults
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
Adults can help scientists understand the brain. Researchers are looking for volunteers to help us learn more about how the brain works in people without mood and anxiety disorders.
Investigating the Genetics of Bipolar Disorder in those affected and their family members
Enrolling nationally from around the country
Researchers are looking for genes that may affect a person's chances of developing bipolar disorder. You can participate in this research study if you are over 18, have a bipolar diagnosis, or have a family member with bipolar disorder.
Memories and How the Brain Works
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
Researchers are enrolling healthy volunteers for an outpatient research study to learn about the brain. A part of the study evaluates how the brain activates and represents memories. Participants will watch videos created in the “1 Second Everyday App” during a brain scan (MRI) and again during a MEG (magnetoencephalography) scan.
Neural and Psychological Mechanisms of Pain Perception
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
People feel different levels of pain. These differences are caused by social, cultural, and biological factors. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health are trying to better understand the different factors that impact pain and how people experience pain.
NIMH Family Study of Health and Behavior
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
The major goal of this study is to examine how mood disorders, anxiety disorders and migraine run in families. We study both genetic and environmental factors that may contribute to these conditions.
NIMH Research Volunteer Study
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
Adults, ages 18 to 70, who are in good physical and mental health are invited to participate in this research study. The goal of the study is to create a list of pre-qualified research volunteers who would like to participate in additional NIMH studies at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
PET Imaging Evaluating Novel Inflammatory Biomarkers
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
Inflammation can play a role in diseases. Researchers are using whole-body positron emission tomography (PET) imaging to measure and detect the biomarkers of inflammation.
Study of the Brain, Thinking and Memory
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
This part of the facial recognition study is enrolling healthy adults without psychiatric conditions, between the ages of 18 and 35, who are in good medical health, and have a bad memory for faces. The overall purpose of the study is to learn about the brain, thinking and memory in people with and without autism spectrum disorders.
Suicide and the Brain
Enrolling nationally from around the country
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) researchers seek adults 18 to 70, who have a history of attempted suicide but are not currently suicidal, for a study of suicide and brain function. Participation includes up to seven days as an inpatient at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Procedures include blood tests, medical evaluations, brain imaging, sleep studies and psychiatric interviews. Participants do not need to stop their current medications. Compensation and transportation are provided. Pregnant women and individuals with serious medical conditions are not eligible.
Suicide is a serious public health problem
Enrolling nationally from around the country
To learn more about what happens in the brain when someone has thought about or attempted suicide, researchers study a comparison group of people without suicidal thoughts.
The Brain’s Response to Low Doses of Ketamine
Enrolling nationally from around the country
Researchers seek to compare the brains of people ages 18 to 65 with and without major depression and look at the brain’s response to two low doses of ketamine, under investigational use for depression.
TMS & Brain Activity
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
How does brain activity impact transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) response?
TMS and Brain Function
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
This research study seeks healthy adult participants to explore how transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) affects the brain. TMS is a non-invasive method which uses a magnet placed outside the head to stimulate precise locations inside the brain.
TMS and Brain Function, Sub-study 3: Controlling Your Own Brain Activity with Neurofeedback
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
This research study seeks healthy adult participants to explore how transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) affects the brain. TMS is a non-invasive method which uses a magnet placed outside the head to stimulate precise locations inside the brain.
Trisomy X Research Study of Children & Young Adults
Enrolling nationally from around the country
This research study will help all of us better understand behavior and mental health in children and young adults with Trisomy X. The study is currently enrolling children and young adults ages 6 to 25 with Trisomy X.
Understanding the brain, mood, memory, and thinking
Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region
This research study seeks to compare persons without an HIV infection to those with the infection to understand how the infection may contribute to dementia and depression.