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Training & Education

NIMH PGY4 Psychiatry Residency and Clinical Fellowship Programs


The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Division of Intramural Research Programs offers both an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) approved residency program for the fourth year of post graduate psychiatric training (PGY4) and a non-accredited post-residency research fellowship program. 

Program structure

Those who enter the program as PGY4 residents transfer from ACGME accredited psychiatry residency programs having completed their general psychiatry residency requirements in their first three years. Clinical and research training are integrated during the PGY4 year and lead to board eligibility in General Psychiatry.

Clinical fellow applicants can come from psychiatry residencies, subspecialty fellowships, such as child and adolescent psychiatry, or graduate medical training in related fields, such as neurology. The 3-year full-time training program is mentorship driven and individually tailored. Skills are developed through close interactions with experienced research mentors, and hands-on experience conducting research. 

Graphic overview of a psychiatry fellowship program offering two tracks: PGY4 and Clinical Fellowship. Applicants entering from the Clinical Fellowship track need strong research background, completed residency, and interest in academic psychiatry. PGY4 Track requires successful completion of an ACGME general psychiatry residency prior to transferring as well as a strong background in research. Residents transition after 1 year of residency into the fellowship for an additional 2 years.

OCD staff

Lisa Cullins, M.D.
Program Director

Haniya Raza, D.O., MPH
Associate Program Director

Additional information

NIH Graduate Medical Education Programs 
NIMH Psychiatry Residency and Clinical Fellowship Programs 

Affiliated Fellowship Training Program in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry

Georgetown University Department of Psychiatry sponsors a subspecialty fellowship program in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry (Psychosomatic Medicine) which is affiliated with the Psychiatric Consultation Liaison Service of the NIMH Office of the Clinical Director.  Fellows in this program rotate for six months at the NIH Clinical Center as part of this one-year fellowship. For more information see the Georgetown University Hospital  CL Fellowship.