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Childhood Chronic Irritability and the Pathophysiology of Mental Illness » Agenda

Day One: Thursday, February 27, 2014
Time Event
9:00am Welcome and Introductions

Session 1: Definition and Measurement

Chair: Danny Pine. Provide overview of working definition(s), components of irritability, related constructs, and available measures.

  • (9:20-9:45) Irritability: concepts and measurement for neuroscience research Argyris Stringaris
  • (9:45-10:05) Animal: behavioral definitions/paradigms – Ned Kalin
  • (10:05-11:00) Discussion and next steps
11:00am Break

Session 2: Neurobiology of Irritability

Chair: Essi Viding. What is known? How do we study it?

  • (11:15-11:35) Heritability/specific genetic components – Roxanne Roberson-Nay
  • (11:35-11:50) Neural circuits in older children/adolescents Christen Deveney
  • (11:50-12:05) Neural circuits in young children Susan Perlman
  • (12:05-12:20) Reactive aggression James Blair
  • (12:20-12:35) Brief Question and Answer (Main Discussion follows end of Session 2)
12:40pm Lunch

Session 2: Neurobiology of Irritability (continued)

  • (1:30-1:45) Emotion regulation and autism Gabriel Dichter
  • (1:45-2:00) Familial depression and HPA function Ian Gotlib
  • (2:00-3:00) Discussion and next steps
3:00pm Break

Session 3: Interactions of Developmental Trajectories of Irritability and Psychiatric Illness

Chair: Boris Birmaher. Review knowledge about normative and non-normative developmental trajectories of irritability and links to psychopathology.

  • (3:15-3:30) Epidemologic, normative data – Bill Copeland
  • (3:30-3:45) Normative and atypical irritability in early childhood Laurie Wakschlag
  • (3:45-4:00) Clinical data David Axelson
  • (4:00-5:00) Discussion and next steps
5:00pm Wrap Up
5:15pm Adjourn for the day
Day Two: Friday, February 28, 2014
Time Event
8:30am Welcome and Updates

Session 4: Treating Irritability

Chair: Christopher Sarampote. What are the targets for treating irritability? What are current approaches? How can intervention research inform etiology/ pathophysiology of irritability and associated behaviors?

  • (8:50-9:10) Medication/Psychopharmacology – Jim McGough
  • (9:10-9:30) Neurochemistry/pharmacology Dan Iosifescu
  • (9:30-9:50) Psychosocial – Jeffrey Halperin
  • (9:50-10:10) Discussion and next steps
10:15am Break

Session 5: Next steps

  • Summary by Ellen – what have we heard
  • Grand view of next steps, integrating across topics, outlining specific priorities
  • Publication: Finalize outline and timeline
12:30pm Adjourn