Human Brain Collection Core (HBCC)
The mission of the Human Brain Collection Core (HBCC) within the National Institute of Mental Health's (NIMH) Division of Intramural Research Programs (DIRP) is to conduct and support research on brain and behavior, with the goal of reducing the burden of mental illness. HBCC is a national resource, providing unique opportunities in mental health research.
To conduct this research we obtain human brain tissue and blood samples from deceased individuals diagnosed with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse disorder, and those who died by suicide, as well as from individuals without a history of mental illness that are used as controls. The tissues are obtained with procedures approved by the HBCC Oversight Committee and by the NIH Department of Bioethics and only with the permission of next-of-kin.
We distribute samples to investigators approved by the NIMH Oversight Committee. We collect molecular and genetic data and disseminate the data to the scientific community. Information gained from this research will lead to better understanding of brain dysfunction in mental disorders and development of new therapeutic and preventive strategies.
HBCC In the News
Mental Health Research Needs More People to Donate Their Brains
May 3, 2018 • Tonic