RDoC Unit of Analysis: Behaviors
- Ability to appropriately attribute animacy to other agents
- Ability to identify what actions an agent is executing
- Activity Level
- Affective states
- Agitation
- Alien Hand Syndrome
- Amotivation
- Analgesia
- Anhedonia
- Anhedonia/decreased appetitive behavior
- Attentional Network Task distractibility
- Anxious Arousal
- Apathy
- approach (early development)
- Approach behaviors
- Apraxia
- Attachment Formation
- Attachment maintenance
- Attentional bias to negative valenced information
- Attentional bias to threat
- Attentional lapses vs sustained attention
- Automatic Obedience
- Avoidance
- Behavioral observation/coding systems
- Catatonic Immobility
- Catatonic Rituals
- Catatonic Stupor
- Cessation of consumption/meal termination
- Cognition
- Coherent discourse
- Coherent sentences
- Comprehension of emotional prosody
- Comprehension of non-verbal gestures
- Compulsive behaviors
- Conceptual Apraxia
- Consummatory behaviors toward any goal object
- Co-sleeping
- Crying
- Crying/laughing
- Decreased libido
- Delusions of control
- Developmental Coordinate Disorder
- Developmentally appropriate interpretations of other intentions, goals and beliefs
- Developmentally appropriate perception of one’s competences, skills, abilities beliefs, intentions, desires, and/or emotional states
- Discrimination
- Discrimination, identification and localization
- Disinhibition of early motor reflexes
- Distractibility
- Distress upon separation
- Drive-regulated behaviors
- Ehler Danlos S
- Emotional Reactivity
- Evidence that one understands ownership of one’s own body parts or action (thoughts/behaviors)
- Executive function
- Eye Blink
- Eye gaze aversion/contact
- Eye gaze detection
- Facial affect production
- Facial expressions
- Familiarity
- Freezing
- Functional Movement Disorders
- Gaze following
- Gestural/postural expressions
- Goal tracking
- Guilt
- Hallucinations
- Head turning
- Helplessness behavior
- Humor comprehension
- Hyposensitivity
- Ideational Apraxia
- Identification of emotion
- Ideomotor Apraxia
- Imitation
- Imitation of facial gestures
- Implicit mimicry
- Impulsive behaviors
- Incontinent Affect
- Increased conflict detection
- Increased perseverative behavior
- Increased self-focus
- Interactive play
- Intermediate/ admixed sleep-wake states
- Irony/sarcasm comprehension
- Joint attention
- Learning
- Limb-Kinetic Apraxia
- Locomotor activity
- Loss of drive
- Loss-relevant recall bias
- Maintaining proximity
- Masking
- Meal pattern analysis
- Memory retrieval deficits
- Metaphor comprehension
- Mimicry
- Morbid Thoughts
- Motivated Behavior
- Motor Activity
- Motor behaviors during sleep
- Negative Symptoms
- Negativism
- Neglect
- Neurobehavioral functions
- Nipple refusal
- Object/feature attention
- Off-task behaviors
- Open field
- Pavlovian approach
- Perceptions of External Control
- Perceptual identification
- Perceptual learning
- Perceptual priming
- Perseveration
- physical and relational aggression
- Post-error or post-conflict adjustments in performance
- Preference for individual
- Production and comprehension of words
- Psychomotor retardation
- Psychophysics
- Punishment sensitivity
- Reading
- Recall
- Reciprocal emotional expression
- Reciprocal eye contact
- Recognition
- Repetitive behaviors
- Response inhibition
- Response time
- Response to distress/separation distress
- Rest-activity patterns
- Reward-related speeding
- Risk assessment
- Rumination
- Sadness
- Satiety sequence
- Scanning patterns
- Sensory arousal threshold
- Sensory Reactivity
- Sex-specific sleep behaviors
- Shame
- Sign tracking
- Sleep
- Sleep-dependent neurobehavioral functions
- Sleep deprivation and satiation
- Sleep inertia
- Sleep-rated and waking behaviors
- Sleep timing and variability
- Sleep-wake
- Social approach
- Spatial attention
- Spatial localization
- Speech (affective) prosody
- Startle
- Stereotypic behaviors
- Stereotypies
- Stimulus detection
- Stuttering
- Taste reactivity
- Tics
- Utilization Behavior
- Visual acuity
- Vocalizations
- Wakefulness
- Waking
- Weakness
- Withdrawal
- Worry