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A Family Study, What Impacts Mood, Sleep, and Energy?

Join a Research Study: Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region

To find out if you qualify, email the study team ( or call 301-496-7773 [TTY: 711].

This research study is enrolling people to help us understand how physical activity, daily rhythms, and light affect mental health.

This research study includes adults with and without bipolar disorder and depression. Participants must also have an immediate family member ages 12 to 70 years willing to join the study. Participants may be asked to:

  • Complete interviews and questionnaires.
  • Wear mobile devices that measure activity, temperature, heart rate, sleep, and light exposure.
  • Complete tasks on their smartphone.
  • Visit the NIH Clinical Center to complete tests, activities, brain scans, and a sleep study.

All data will be kept private and confidential. We understand that participating in a study involves effort and time. Compensation is provided for both time and completing tasks. We can provide the mobile devices. This research study will last about two years.

If you are interested in becoming a participant, learn about your eligibility here:

To find out if you qualify, email the study team ( or call 301-496-7773 [TTY: 711].

Study Identifiers

  • NIMH Protocol Number: 000754
  • Study Number: 05669703 

Investigator(s): Kathleen R Merikangas, Ph.D.