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News from SDAN
September 2022
Postbaccalaureate IRTA Olivia Siegal received a 2022 OFT Trainee Travel Award for her work on inhibitory control and repetitive negative thinking in pediatric anxiety.
Postbaccalaureate IRTA Phil Newsome received a Trainee Professional Development Award from the Society for Neuroscience for his work on human threat learning in pathological anxiety.
June 2022
Two SDAN Postdoctoral Fellows will become assistant professors this year! Rany Abend will be an Assistant Professor at the School of Psychology, Reichman University, Israel, and Elise Cardinale will be an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Congratulations!
April 2022
Postbaccalaureate IRTA Isabella Spaulding received a 2022 award offer from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program.
June 2021
Postbaccalaureate IRTAs Jessica Bezek and Gwyneth DeLap awarded placement in the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program.
May 2021
Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Anita Harrewijn was featured in the monthly NIMH Intramural Newsletter Brain Waves for receiving the competitive European Commission’s Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship , which supports researchers pursuing training and career development in Europe. As part of the fellowship, she has moved to the Department of Psychology, Education & Child Studies, at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
August 2020
Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Emilio Valadez’s paper “Early Parenting Intervention Effects on Brain Responses to Maternal Cues Among High-Risk Children ” was featured as a headline in the American Psychiatric Association’s daily newsletter .
SDAN Newsletters

Featured Media Interviews

Can clinical fMRI research transfer to the clinic?
Dr. Pine sat down with Dr. Bandettini to discuss how fMRI could revolutionize how mental disorders are treated.

Clinical Center Grand Rounds: Advancing Psychiatric Care through Clinical Neuroscience: Lessons from Research on Anxiety
Dr. Pine was invited to present his talk on “Advancing Psychiatric Care through Clinical Neuroscience: Lessons from Research on Anxiety” for the Clinical Center Grand Rounds.

NPR’s “A Kids’ Guide To Coping with the Pandemic”
Staff clinician Dr. Krystal Lewis spoke with NPR to help develop a comic to help kids cope with the pandemic.

How To Help A Child Struggling With Anxiety
Drs. Pine and Lewis spoke with NPR about six takeaways that all parents, caregivers and teachers can add to their anxiety toolkits, including information on how anxiety works, how parents can spot it and how to know when it's time to get professional help.