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Laboratory of Neuropsychology (LN)

The CORTEX Function Reference

The CORTEX Function Reference

Infomation Updated: 22 July, 2005
Web page Updated: 13 July, 2013

Function Quick Access





void AbortCSS ()

Purpose: AbortCSS() can be used to abort out of a trial from a timing file. It is the same function that is used internally in Cortex when some huge error occurs (like the stack overflows), or if the user presses CTRL-BREAK three times to kill the running trials. It stops the clock and cleans up a bit by resetting some of the internal flags. There is no reason to use this function in a timing file under normal circumstances. Instead, it makes more sense to restructure the timing file so that the trial ends normally. Cortex automatically cleans up the necessary flags between trials.

Parameters: none

Returns: none

Platform: DOS and Windows

int abs (int value)

Purpose: finds the absolute value of an integer

Returns: the absolute of an integer value.

See also: fabs()

Platform: DOS and Windows

float acos (float value)

Purpose: finds the arc-cosine of a float

Returns: the arc-cosine of value.

See also: asin(), atan(), atan2(), cos(), cosh(), sin(), sinh(), tan(), tanh()

Platform: DOS and Windows

float asin (float value)

Purpose: find arc-sine

Returns: the arc-sine of value.

See also: acos(), atan(), atan2(), cos(), cosh(), sin(), sinh(), tan(), tanh()

Platform: DOS and Windows

float atan (float value)

Purpose: find arctangent

Returns: the arc-tangent of value.

See also: asin(), acos(), atan2(), cos(), cosh(), sin(), sinh(), tan(), tanh()

Platform: DOS and Windows

float atan2 (float y, floatx)

Purpose: find arc-tangent of y/x

Returns: the arc-tangent of y/x. Handles equation correctly even if x is equal to zero.

See also: asin(), acos(), atan(), cos(), cosh(), sin(), sinh(), tan(), tanh()

Platform: DOS and Windows

float atof (pchar string)

Purpose: converts a string to a double

Returns: a float value converted from the string.

See also: atoi(), atol()

Platform: DOS and Windows

int atoi (pchar string)

Purpose: converts a string to an integer

Returns: an integer value converted from the string.

See also: atof(), atol()

Platform: DOS and Windows

long atol (pchar string)

Purpose: converts a string to a long

Returns: a long value converted from the string.

See also: atof(), atoi()

Platform: DOS and Windows












int BLOCKclear_stats(int block_or_condition, int which_one);

Purpose: clears the percent correct and circular buffer tables for a given block or condition.

Returns: 1 if valid block or condition number was made, 0 if not.

  • block_or_condition (0 = block, 1 = condition, 2 = all blocks, 3 = all conditions)
  • which_one (the block or condition number. If block_or_condition is 2 or 3, this value is ignored)

See also: BLOCKget_pct_correct(), BLOCKget_stats()

Platform: DOS and Windows

int BLOCKget_block_num()

Purpose: Gets current block number

Parameters: none

Returns: current block number

See also: BLOCKget_cond_num(), BLOCKset_next(), get_block_num(), get_cond_num()

Platform: DOS and Windows

int BLOCKget_cond_num()

Purpose: Gets current condition number

Parameters: none

Returns: current condition number

See also: BLOCKget_block_num(), BLOCKset_next(), get_block_num(), get_cond_num()

Platform: DOS and Windows

int BLOCKget_control_info (int block, pfloat minPctOK, pint minTrials, pint recentOK, pint recentDone, pint max_errors, pint max_retries, pint recentOKtooLow, pfloat PctOKtooLow)

Purpose: Gets the current values of these various variables for staircase design. At the end of each trial, these variables are used to check to see if the current block should be considered either unfinished (ie. may need to run some more depending on the parameters set in the Run:Parameters:Block/Repeat family of menus), correct (ie. finished and not to be run again), or aborted (not to be run again because the subject made too many mistakes). These are the exact names of the variables as shown in the Run:Parameters:Block/Repeat:Individual Blocks menu (with the menu length set to "full"). A value of zero for any one of these variables means that it is currently not being tested at the end of the trial.


  • block the block number that is wished to be accessed [1-max_blocks]
  • minPctOK the minimal percent correct threshold [if the block's current percent correct is higher than minPctOK, then the block will be considered correct]
  • minTrials the number of trials that the block will run before testing other parameters such as minPctOK
  • recentOK the number of correct trials required from the block's most recentDone trials before the block will be considered correct
  • recentDone the number of the most recent trials that will be used to measure the monkey's progress using either recentOK or recentOKtooLow
  • max_errors the maximum number of errors allowed before the block is considered aborted
  • max_retries the maximum number of retries allowed when the on_error variable is set to Immediate_retry
  • recentOKtooLow if the block's most recentDone trials have this many correct trials or less, the block will be aborted
  • PctOKtooLow if the block's percent correct becomes this low or lower, the block will be aborted

Returns: 1 if valid block is specified, 0 if not

See also: BLOCKset_control_info()

Platform: DOS and Windows

int BLOCKget_max_vals (pint max_cond)

Purpose: Gets max_block and max_cond values. This could have been done via an external variable, but if these values were inadvertently changed, the system would crash.

Parameters: pint max_cond

Returns: the current maximum block values

See also: BLOCKset_next()

Platform: DOS and Windows

float BLOCKget_pct_correct (int block_or_condition, int which_one)

Purpose: Gets percent correct information for a given block or condition.


  • block_or_condition (0 = block, 1 = condition)
  • which_one (the block or condition number)

Returns: the percent correct information for a given block or condition, or -1 if unsuccessful.

See also: BLOCKclear_stats(), BLOCKget_stats(), get_block_pct_correct(), get_cond_pct_correct()

Platform: DOS and Windows

int BLOCKget_stats (int block_or_condition, int which_one, pint num_correct, pint num_trials, ppchar circular_buffer)

Purpose: gets the circular buffer, number of correct trials, and the number of total trials for a given block condition.


  • block_or_condition (0 = block, 1 = condition)
  • which_one (the block or condition number [1-max_blocks/conditions])
  • num_correct (the number of correcttrials [so far] in the current block/condition)
  • num_trials (the number of total trials [so far] in the current block/condition)
  • circular_buffer (the results from the last N number of trials from the given block/condition. To set the value of N, see the Run:Parameters:Block/Repeat:Sizing menu)

Returns: a non zero value if valid selection is made, 0 if pointers are not yet set

See also: BLOCKclear_stats(), BLOCKget_pct_correct(), get_block_pct_correct(), get_cond_pct_correct()

Platform: DOS and Windows

int BLOCKset_control_info (int block, float minPctOK, int minTrials, int recentOK, int recentDone, int max_errors, int max_retries, int recentOKtooLow, float PctOKtooLow)

Purpose: sets the current values of these various variables for staircase design. At the end of each trial, these variables are used to check to see if the current block should be considered either unfinished (ie. may need to run some more depending on the parameters set in the Run:Parameters:Block/Repeat family of menus), correct (ie. finished and not to be run again), or aborted (not to be run again because the subject made too many mistakes). These are the exact names of the variables as shown in the Run:Parameters:Block/Repeat:Individual Blocks menu (with the menu length set to "full"). A value of zero for any one of these variables means that it is currently not being tested at the end of the trial.


  • block (the block number that is wished to be accessed [1-max_blocks])
  • minPctOK (the minimal percent correct threshold [if the block's current percent correct is higher than minPctOK, then the block will be considered correct])
  • minTrials (the number of trials that the block will run before testing other parameters such as minPctOK)
  • recentOK (the number of correct trials required from the block's most recentDone trials before the block will be considered correct)
  • recentDone (the number of the most recent trials that will be used to measure the monkey's progress using either recentOK or recentOKtooLow)
  • max_errors (the maximum number of errors allowed before the block is considered aborted)
  • max_retries (the maximum number of retries allowed when the on_error variable is set to Immediate_retry)
  • recentOKtooLow (if the block's most recentDone trials have this many correct trials or less, the block will be aborted)
  • PctOKtooLow (if the block's percent correct becomes this low or lower, the block will be aborted)

Returns: 1 if valid block is specified, 0 if not

See also: BLOCKget_control_info()

Platform: DOS and Windows

int BLOCKset_next (int block, int condition)

Purpose: sets the block and condition to be run in the next trial


  • block (the next block--remember that blocks are numbered 1-max_blocks)
  • condition (the next condition within block--remember that conditions are numbered 1-max_conds)

Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if not.

See also: break_fixation_error()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void break_fixation_error()

Purpose: Records in the data file that the monkey has broken fixation

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows

void byte_c_out (int byte)

Purpose: Write the given byte to Port C of the PIO24 board. (Note that thisfunction will not work for the PIO24 portion of the CIO-DAS1602/12 or the PCI-DAS1602/12 boards. For those boards, please use the DEVoutp() function.)

Parameters: byte - a single byte (8 bits) of data

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void byte_out (int byte)

Purpose: Write the given byte to Port C of the PIO24 board. (Note that thisfunction will not work for the PIO24 portion of the CIO-DAS1602/12 or the PCI-DAS1602/12 boards. For those boards, please use the DEVoutp() function.)

Parameters: byte - a single byte (8 bits) of data

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows






pchar calloc (int num_elements, int bytes_per_element)

Purpose: allocates an array in memory with elements initialized to 0.


  • num_elements (the number of elements or size bytes_per_element to allocate)
  • bytes_per_element (the size of each element in bytes)

Returns: a pointer to the first element in the array.

See also: free(), malloc(), realloc()

Platform: DOS and Windows


float cart2r (float x, floaty)

Purpose: A Cartesian to polar transform which computes the magnitude (rho) value for the given x, y cartesian coordinates.

Parameters: x and y are the Cartesian cooridinates.

Returns: the magnitude.

Platform: DOS and Windows


float cart2theta (float x, float y)

Purpose: A Cartesian to polar transform which computes the phase angle theta (in degrees) for a given x, y coordinate.

Parameters: x, y are the Cartesian coordinates

Returns: The phase angle theta polar value.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void cartesian2polar (float x, float y, pfloat r, pfloat theta)

Purpose: A Cartesian to polar transform which computes the phase angle theta (in degrees) and the magnitude r, for a given x, y coordinate.


  • x and y are the Cartesian coordinates
  • r - pointer to r which will store the magnitude
  • theta - pointer to theta which will store the angle

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


int ceil (float value)

Purpose: Calculates the ceiling of a value.

Retuns: the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to value.

See also: floor()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int chdir (pchar new_dir_name)

Purpose: changes the current working directory to new_dir_name

Returns: 0 if successful.

See also: getcwd(), mkdir(), rename(), rmdir()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int chmod (const char *filename, int pmode)

Purpose: Change the file-permission settings. The _chmod function changes the permission setting of the file specified by filename. The permission setting controls read and write access to the file.


  • filename Name of exisiting file
  • pmode Permission setting for file

Returns: Each of these functions returns 0 if the permission setting is successfully changed. A return value of -1 indicates that the specified file could not be found, in which case errno is set to ENOENT.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int chsize (int handle, long size)

Purpose: Changes the file size.


  • handle Handle referring to open file
  • size New length of file in bytes

Returns: _chsize returns the value 0 if the file size is successfully changed. A return value of -1 indicates an error: errno is set to EACCES if the specified file is locked against access, to EBADF if the specified file is read-only or the handle is invalid, or to ENOSPC if no space is left on the device.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void ClearCSSGlobals ()

Purpose: Clears all the external variables that can be set by the user.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void clear_eog()

Purpose: clear the eog display window

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


int clip (int value, int lower_limit, int upper_limit)

Purpose: clip the range of an integer


  • value to be clipped
  • lower_limit of desired range
  • upper_limit of desired range


a = clip (a,100,500);
returns a if 100 < a < 500
100 if a <= 100
500 if a >= 500

See also: fclip()

Platform: DOS and Windows


long clock()

Purpose: Calculates the processor time used by the calling process.

Parameters: none

Returns: clock returns the number of clock ticks of elapsed processor time. The returned value is the product of the amount of time that has elapsed since the start of a process and the value of the CLOCKS_PER_SEC constant.

Comments: The clock function tells how much processor time the calling process has used. The time in seconds is approximated by dividing the clock return value by the value of the CLOCKS_PER_SEC constant In Microsoft and Watcom C/C++, the value of CLOCKS_PER_SEC is 1000. Note: In MS-DOS, clock() returns the time elapsed since the process started. This may not be equal to the actual processor time used by the process.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int close (int handle)

Purpose: closes the file indicated by handle

Returns: 0 if successful.

See also: dup(), dup2(), open()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void Cls ()

Purpose: clears the screen to black and resets the cursor position to the top left corner (0, 0). Works in text mode only (SCREENmode(1)).

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

See also: SCREENmode()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int CLTactivate (int num_entries, int CLTnum, int src_start, int dst_start)

Purpose: Transfer color data from temporary to active CLTs (color lookup tables). The graphics board only has one color palette in use at a time (i.e., the active CLT). To optimize the speed of lookup table operations, any other temporary color palettes must reside in system memory. When this function call is executed, the given temporary CLT is activated on the graphics board.


  • num_entries - the number of entries that should be activated
  • CLTnum - number of the CLT as it was loaded into Cortex, through the LUT:Get:From_Disk menu. The first CLT number should be 1.
  • src_start - the starting index in the source (temporary) CLT
  • dst_start - the starting index in the destination (active) CLT

Returns: 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int CLTdownload (int CLTnum, int CLTstart_idx, int num_entries, pchar data)

Purpose: Copies color data from the given color lookup table (CLT), into the data variable. Parameters:

  • CLTnum - number of the CLT as it was loaded into Cortex, through the LUT:Get:From_Disk menu. The first CLT number should be 1.
  • CLTstart_idx - the starting index in the CLT
  • num_entries - the number of entries that should be downloaded
  • data - internally, this parameter is a pointer to an array of BYTE_RGB structures to hold the red, green and blue values.

    typedef struct {
    ???unsigned char r,g,b;
    } BYTE_RGB;
    However, since Cortex timing files can not contain structures, you will need to create a char array to hold these values, which are in R,G,B order. For example, your timing file could look like this:

    char colors[30];

    CLTdownload(1, 5, 5, colors);
    // then, first red value is in colors[0]
    // first green value is in colors[1]
    // and first blue value is in colors[2], etc....

Returns: 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int CLTget_val (int CLTnum, int index, int *r, int *g, int *b)

Purpose: Gets the R, G, B values for a single entry of a given color lookup table (CLT).


  • CLTnum - number of the CLT as it was loaded into Cortex, through the LUT:Get:From_Disk menu. The first CLT number should be 1.
  • index - the index into the CLT for the color entry to get
  • r - pointer to the red value at the given index
  • g - pointer to the green value at the given index
  • b - pointer to the blue value at the given index

Returns: 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int CLTretrieve (int num_entries, int CLTnum, int src_start, int dst_start)

Purpose: This function transfers data from the graphics board's active palette to a temporary CLT in system memory. When using two computers, this is faster than GDPget_CLTS and CLTupload() to set the values in a palette. Also more convenient for CSS, which doesn't support structures, although it is equally possible to use GDPget_CLTs and know that each element is a byte, and that they are in RGB order.


  • num_entries - the number of entries that should be retrieved
  • CLTnum - number of the CLT as it was loaded into Cortex, through the LUT:Get:From_Disk menu. The first CLT number should be 1.
  • src_start - the starting index in the CLT
  • dst_start - the ending index in the CLT

Returns: 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int CLTset_val (int CLTnum, int index, int r, int g, int b)

Purpose: Sets the R, G, B values for a single entry of a give color lookup table (CLT).


  • CLTnum - number of the CLT as it was loaded into Cortex, through the LUT:Get:From_Disk menu. The first CLT number should be 1.
  • index - the index into the CLT for the color entry to set
  • r - the red value to set at the given index
  • g - the green value to set at the given index
  • b - the blue value to set at the given index

Returns: 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int CLTupload (int CLTnum, int CLTstart_idx, int num_entries, pchar data)

Purpose: Copies color data from the data structure into the given color lookup table (CLT).


  • CLTnum - number of the CLT as it was loaded into Cortex, through the LUT:Get:From_Disk menu. The first CLT number should be 1.
  • CLTstart_idx - the starting index in the CLT
  • num_entries - the number of entries that should be uploaded
  • data - internally, this parameter is a pointer to an array of BYTE_RGB structures which holds the red, green and blue values.

    typedef struct {
    ???unsigned char r,g,b;
    } BYTE_RGB;

    However, since Cortex timing files can not contain structures, you will need to create a char array to hold these values, which are in R,G,B order. For example, your timing file could look like this:

    char colors[30];

    // first red value is set
    colors[0] = 255;
    // first green value is set
    colors[1] = 128;
    // first blue value is set
    colors[2] = 0;
    // etc.....

    CLTupload(1, 5, 5, colors);

Returns: 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int CMENUbool (char *msg)

Purpose: Prints the msg string on the screen, then waits for the user's response. The msg string is usually a question requiring a Yes/No answer.

Parameters: msg, the string to be printed on the screen

Returns: 1 if the user responds "Yes", 0 if the user responds "No", and -1 if ESCAPE is pressed.

Platform: DOS only


int CMENUboolRC (char *msg, char *choices)

Purpose: Prints the msg string on the screen, then waits for the user's response. The msg string is a question that requires an answer which is one of the choices provided.


  • msg - the string to be printed on the screen as a question
  • choices - an array of strings containing the choices of responses

Returns: 1 if a new value has been set, 0 if no change, and -1 if ESCAPE pressed.

Platform: DOS only


int CMENUrun (char *message, int y, int *val, int num_choices, char *choices[])

Purpose: Prints the message string on the screen, at location (1, y), and then waits for the user\\\'s response. The message string is a question that requires an answer that is one of the choices provided.


  • message - the string to be printed on the screen as a question
  • y - the vertical location at which the string will appear
  • val - pointer to the value chosen
  • num_choices - the number of choices
  • choices - an array of strings containing the choices of responses

Returns: 1 if a new value has been set, 0 if no change, and -1 if ESCAPE pressed.

Platform: DOS only


void collect_data (int on_off)

Purpose: instructs CORTEX to either begin or stop collecting spike data to place in the data file.

Parameter: BOOL (0 = stop collecting data; 1 = collect data)

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


int contact (int cirx, int ciry, int cir_radius, int ulx, int uly, int lrx, int lry)

Purpose: identifies when a circle and a rectangular object overlap each other


  • cirx center of circle, x coordinate
  • ciry center of circle, y coordinate
  • cir_radius radius of circle
  • ulx upper left corner, x coordinate of bar
  • uly upper left corner, y coordinate of bar
  • lrx lower right corner, x coordinate of bar
  • lry lower right corner, y coordinate of bar

Returns: 1 if circle and rectangle overlap, 0 if no overlap.

Platform: DOS and Windows


float cos (float value)

Purpose: find the cosine of a float

Returns: the cosine of value.

See also: acos(), asin(), atan(), atan2(), cosh(), sin(), sinh(), tan(), tanh()

Platform: DOS and Windows


float cosh (float value)

Purpose: find the hyperbolic cosine of a float

Returns: the hyperbolic cosine of value.

See also: acos(), asin(), atan(), atan2(), cos(), sin(), sinh(), tan(), tanh()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void CurMov (int row, int column)

Purpose: sets the current text position to the display point (row, column). This call works in text mode only.

Returns: nothing

See also: SCREENmode(), printxy(), printf()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int DEVinp (int device_number, int port)

Purpose: Reads a byte from the given port and deive_number.


  • device_number (set in CORTEX.CFG)
  • port (the port on device_number to output the data through)

Returns: a single byte read from port (a part of device_number).

Comments: Each device listed in the CORTEX.CFG file has a corresponding device_number. The first device listed is device number zero. The nth device is device number n-1. Ports are numbered much the same way (base-0). The first parallel port on a parallel device will be port number 0, and the nth will be port number n-1 (Port A = port 0).

See also: DEVinpw(), DEVoutp(), DEVoutpw()

Platform: DOS and Windows







int DEVinpw (int device_number, int port)

Purpose: Reads two bytes from the given port and device_number


  • device_number (set in CORTEX.CFG)
  • port (the port on device_number to output the data through)

Returns: two bytes (16 bits) read from port (a part of device_number).

Comments Each device listed in the CORTEX.CFG file has a corresponding device_number. The first device listed is device number zero. The nth device is device number n-1. Ports are numbered much the same way (base-0). The first parallel port on a parallel device will be port number 0, and the nth will be port number n-1 (Port A = port 0). See also: DEVinp(), DEVoutp(), DEVoutpw()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int DEVoutp (int device_number, int port, int data)

Purpose: outputs a single byte of data on port (a part of device_number), the data sent if successful, else returns -1


  • device_number (set in CORTEX.CFG)
  • port (the port on device_number to output the data through)
  • data (a single byte (8 bits) of data)

Comments: Each device listed in the CORTEX.CFG file has a corresponding device_number. The first device listed is device number zero. The nth device is device number n-1. Ports are numbered much the same way (base-0). The first parallel port on a parallel device will be port number 0, and the nth will be port number n-1 (Port A = port 0).

See also: DEVinp(), DEVinpw(), DEVoutpw()

Backward Compatibility: byte_out()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int DEVoutpw (int device_number, int port, int data)

Purpose: Writes two bytes of data to the given port and device_number.


  • device_number (set in CORTEX.CFG)
  • port (the port on device_number to output the data through)
  • data (two bytes (16 bits) of data)

Returns: outputs two bytes of data on port (a port of device_number). Returns the data sent if successful, else returns -1.

Comments: Each device listed in the CORTEX.CFG file has a corresponding device_number. The first device listed is device number zero. The nth device is device number n-1. Ports are numbered much the same way (base-0). The first parallel port on a parallel device will be port number 0, and the nth will be port number n-1 (Port A = port 0).

See also: DEVinp(), DEVoutpw(), DEVoutp()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void display_eye_path (int visible)

Purpose: show/unshow the path of the eye movement up to a given point in a trial. display_eye_path(1) will draw the eye path, and display_eye_path(0) will erase it.

Parameters: visible or invisible (1 = visible, 0 = invisible)

Returns: nothing

See also: put_data_in_eye_buf()

Backward Compatibility: display_eye_buf()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void display_fixspot (int visible)

Purpose: turns on or off the fixation spot, turns on (visible=1) or off (visible=0) the fixation spot

Parameters: visible or invisible (1 = visible, 0 = invisible)

Returns: nothing

See also: display_test(), Gon_off()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void display_histogram ()

Purpose: causes the histogram for the current condition to be displayed (typically called at the start of the trial)

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

See also: display_trial_progress(), update_histogram()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void display_play (int visible)

Purpose: turns on (visible=1) or off (visible=0) the mapping stimulus in play mode

Parameters: visible or invisible (1 = visible, 0 = invisible)

Returns: nothing

See also: display_test(), Gon_off()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void display_sample (int visible)

Purpose: turns on (visible=1) or off (visible=0) the sample stimulus (the sample stimulus is defined as the item(s) in TEST0 of the current conditions file)

Parameters: visible or invisible (1 = visible, 2 = invisible)

Returns: nothing

See also: display_test(), Gon_off()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void display_test (int test_screen, int visible)

Purpose: turns on (visible=1) or off (visible=0) a specified test_screen (TEST1 through TEST9)


  • test stimulus number
  • visible or invisible (1= visible, 0 = invisible)

Returns: nothing

See also: display_fixspot(), display_play(), display_sample(), Gon_off()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void display_trial_progress (int show_progress)

Purpose: turns on (show_progress=1) or off (show_progress=0) the current trial's raster (the progress line) below the histogram display. Also turns on or off the placement of data into the cumulative on-line histogram. Has no effect on the raw data collection. The function is normally turned off while waiting either a random amount of time or waiting for the subject to do something.

Parameters: 0 = turn progress line off, 1 = turn it on

Returns: nothing

See also: display_histogram(), update_histogram()

Platform: DOS and Windows


float distance_to_line (float x, float y, float slope, float DC)

Purpose: Finds the minimum distance between a line and a point. This function is generally used to determine the amount of error the subject has made during a saccade towards a target (that lies on a line of slope from the origin).


  • x (location along the horizontal axis of the point to be tested)
  • y (location along the vertical axis of the point to be tested)
  • slope (the slope of the line that passes through the origin to be tested)
  • DC (the denominator constant of the line that passes through the origin)

Returns: the minimum distance between a line of slope passing through the origin (the center of the screen; 0 degrees, 0 degrees) and a point defined by (x degrees, y degrees).

See also: EYEget_dva(), find_DC(), find_slope(), in_corridor()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void dont_unload_conds (void)

Purpose: To prevent the program from unloading the current condition's worth of graphics information and to prevent the next set from being loaded.

Parameters: none.

Returns: nothing.

Comments: This function may decrease the time needed between trials (especially if the stimuli are complex), but should only be used when every trial uses the same set of graphical items and every condition uses the same items in each test_screen. The dont_unload_conds flag is reset every trial, so this routine must be called every trial if you want the same graphical environment to persist over many trials. Also, if this called on the LAST trial of a run, the graphical environment will persist into the next run (unless you set the option in the Run:Parameters:General menu or quit CORTEX in between runs).

Platform: DOS and Windows


void DrawBox (float X_center, float Y_center, float width, float height, int color)

Purpose: draws onto the EOG_DISPLAY a box centered at (X_center, Y_center), of width width, height height and color color (#include css_inc.h in your state function to use its list of colors)


  • X_center: FLOAT degrees of visual angle.
  • Y_center: FLOAT degrees of visual angle.
  • width: FLOAT degrees of visual angle.
  • height: FLOAT degrees of visual angle.
  • color: INT see css_inc.h (include it in your state function)

Returns: nothing.

See also: ITEM_POSmark_pos()

Backward Compatibility: mark_screen_pos()

Platform: DOS and Windows


long dsquared (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

Purpose: Finds the square of the distance between two points, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).


  • x1, y1 - coordinates of the first point
  • x2, y2 - coordinates of the second point

Returns: the square of the distance between two points

Platform: DOS and Windows


int dup (int handle)

Purpose: creates a second file handle for a currently open file.

Parameters: Takes the handle of the currently open file.

Returns: the new file handle

See also: close(), dup2(), open()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int dup2 (int handle_1, int handle_2)

Purpose: forces handle_2 to refer to a currently open file (referred to by handle_1)


  • handle to open file
  • handle to be changed to refer to the current open file

Returns: 0 if successful.

See also: close(), dup(), open()

Platform: DOS and Windows






void encode (int EVENT_CODE)

Purpose: Records an event code in the cortex data file

Parameters: event code

Returns: nothing

See also: EVENT_CODE

Platform: DOS and Windows


void end_trial ()

Purpose: cleans up after the trial and turns off the mapping stimulus in play mode

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


int eof (int handle)

Purpose: checks if the current position within the file referred to by handle is end_of_file

Returns: 1 if currently at end_of_file, 0 if not

Platform: DOS and Windows


int EPPconvert (int x, int chan)


Purpose: takes a 12-bit, signed integer value, x, and a channel number, chan, and converts them to the format which the EPP buffer expects.


  • x - data value
  • chan - channel number

Returns: a 16-bit value (short integer) containing the 12-bit data value, and 4-bits for the channel number

Platform: DOS and Windows


int EPPget_chan (int x)


Purpose: Takes the 16-bit EPP value, x, and returns the 4-bit channel number from it.

Parameters: x, a 16-bit value containg the 12-bit data value and the 4-bit channel number

Returns: the channel number

Platform: DOS and Windows


int EPPunconvert (int x)


Purpose: Extracts the 12-bit integer data value from the EPP buffer storage format.

Parameters: x, a 16-bit value containg the 12-bit data value and the 4-bit channel number

Returns: the data value

Platform: DOS and Windows


float exp (float value)

Returns: evalue

See also: log(), log10(), pow()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void EYEget_dva (pfloat X, pfloat Y)

gets the eye position in degrees of visual angle (dva)


Purpose: gets the eye position in degrees of visual angle (dva)


  • pointer to X in which to store horizontal position relative to (0, 0)
  • pointer to Y in which to store vertical position relative to (0, 0)

Returns: nothing

Backward Compatibility: f_get_X(), f_get_Y(), get_fixation_posX(), get_fixation_posY()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void EYE_WINcopy (int eye_window_number, int test_screen, int item_position)


Purpose: copies one ITEM_POS or EYE_WIN's center and size into a new EYE_WIN. Values remain until CORTEX is exited or EYE_WINreset() called.


  • eye_window_number (1-EyeWinMax--set in cortex.cfg)
  • item_position within that test_screen (1-x)

Returns: nothing

See also: EYE_WINreset(), EYE_WINset()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void EYE_WINreset ()


Purpose: clears all of the saved EYE_WINs from the EYE_WIN scratch buffer. Otherwise they remain until CORTEX is exited.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

See also: EYE_WINcopy(), EYE_WINset()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void EYE_WINset (int eye_window_number,float x_center,float y_center,float x_size,float y_size)


Purpose: stores a position (center and size) for future reference.


  • eye_window_number (1-EyeWinMax--set in cortex.cfg)
  • x_center (upon calling function, this pointer will store the x_center value)
  • y_center (upon calling function, this pointer will store the y_center value)
  • x_size (upon calling function, this pointer will store the x_size value)
  • y_size (upon calling function, this pointer will store the y_size value)

Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if an invalid selection

Comments: Values remain until CORTEX is exited or EYE_WINreset() is called.

See also: EYE_WINcopy(), EYE_WINreset()

Backward Compatibility: set_position()

Platform: DOS and Windows






float fabs (float value)

Returns: the absolute value of value

See also: abs()

Platform: DOS and Windows


float fclip (float value, float lower_limit, float upper_limit)

Purpose: clips the range of a floating point value.


  • value - number to be clipped
  • lower_limit - lower end of range
  • upper_limit - upper end of range

Returns: either the original value, the lower limit, or the upper limit.

Example: a = clip (a,100.3,500.1);
returns a if 100.3 < a <500.1
100.3 if a <= 100.3
500.1 if a = 500.1

See also: clip()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int fclose (plong fp)

Purpose: closes the open file handle fp.

Parameter: fp - pointer to file

Returns: 0 if the file is successfully closed, and non-zero to indicate an error.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int feof (plong fp)

Purpose: determines whether the end-of-file has been reached for the file pointed to by fp.

Parameter: fp - pointer to file

Returns: a nonzero value after the first read operation that attempts to read past the end of the file. It returns 0 if the current position is not end of file.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int ferror (plong fp)

Purpose: tests for a reading or writing error on the file associated with fp.

Parameter: fp - pointer to file

Returns: If no error has occurred on the file, ferror returns 0. Otherwise, it returns a nonzero value.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int fflush (plong fp)

Purpose: flushes a stream. If the file associated with the stream is open for output, fflush causes any unwritten data to be written to the file. If the file fp is open for input or update, the fflush function undoes the effect of any preceding ungetc operation on the stream. If the value of fp is NULL, then all files that are open will be flushed.

Parameter: fp - pointer to file

Returns: fflush returns 0 if the buffer was successfully flushed. A non-zero return value indicates an error.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int fgetc (plong fp)

Purpose: gets the next character from the file designated by fp.

Parameter: fp - pointer to file

Returns: the character read as an int or return EOF to indicate an error or end of file.

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar fgets(pchar buf, int n, plong fp)

Purpose: gets a string of characters from the file designated by fp and stores them in the array pointed to by buf. The fgets function stops reading characters when end-of-file is reached, or when a newline character is read, or when n-1 characters have been read, whichever comes first.


  • buf - storage location for data
  • n - maximum number of characters to read
  • fp - pointer to file

Returns: returns buf if successful, otherwise 0.

Platform: DOS and Windows


float find_DC (float target_x, float target_y)

Purpose: finds denominator constant for distance calculation. This is the denominator constant (DC) of a line that stretches between the origin and a point in the visual field of coordinates (target_x, target_y). Using DC removes the need for costly computations of sin or cosine in trigonometric calculations, thus speeding up functions such as in_corridor() and distance_to_line() that require DC as input.

Parameters: targetx, targety - point in the visual field

Returns: 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 + (target_y / target_x)*( target_y / target_x)), i.e., 1/(1+slope^2)

See also: distance_to_line(), find_slope(), in_corridor()

Platform: DOS and Windows


float find_slope (float target_x, float target_y)

Purpose: find slope of a line formed from the point (target_x, target_y) and the origin (0,0).

Parameters: targetx, targety - point in the visual field

Returns: the slope (target_y / target_x) of a line stretched between the origin and point (target_x, target_y).

See also: distance_to_line(), find_DC(), in_corridor()

Platform: DOS and Windows


float floor (float value)

Purpose: computes the largest integer not greater than value.

Parameter: value - floating-point value to be manipulated

Returns: a floating-point value representing the largest integer that is less than or equal to value.

Platform: DOS and Windows


float fmax (float value_1, float value_2)

Returns: the maximum of two floating point values

See also: fmin(), max(), min()

Platform: DOS and Windows


float fmin (float value_1, float value_2)

Returns: the minimum of two floating point values

See also: fmax(), max(), min()

Platform: DOS and Windows


plong fopen ( pchar filename, pchar mode)

Purpose: opens the file specified by filename.


  • filename - filename
  • mode - type of access permitted
    • "r" - open file for reading
    • "w" - open file for writing
    • "a" - append
    • "t" - text
    • "b" - binary

Returns: a pointer to the open file. A null pointer value indicates an error.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int foreback_wins (int fore_test_screen, int fore_speed, int fore_direction, int back_test_screen, int back_speed, int back_direction)

Purpose: to execute simultaneous motion of two test_screens. This function has largely been replaced by Gscroll().


  • fore_test_screen (TEST0 through 9)
  • fore_speed (of movement, in units of 1/100 of deg per second)
  • fore_direction (of relative motion, in 1/100 of deg of angle)
  • back_test_screen INT background workstation #
  • back_speed INT speed of movement for second workstation.
  • back_direction INT direction of APPARANT motion for second workstation.

Returns: time remaining (in msec). Returns 0 when done, and turns off both test_screens, waiting until they are actually off before returning.

NOTE: init_foreback() must be called prior to this function.

See also: init_foreback()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int fprintf ( plong fp, pchar format)

Purpose: writes output to the file pointed to by fp under control of the argument format. The format string has the same syntax and use as in printf().


  • fp - pointer to file
  • format - format-control string

Returns: the number of bytes written. Otherwise, returns a negative value if an output error occurs.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int fputc (int c, plong fp)

Purpose: writes the character specified by c to the output stream designated by fp.


  • c - character to be written
  • fp - pointer to file

Returns: the character written; or, if a write error occurs, returns EOF.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int fputs (pchar buf, plong fp)

Purpose: writes the character string pointed to by buf to the output stream designated by fp.


  • buf - character string to be written
  • fp - pointer to file

Returns: returns EOF if an error occurs otherwise, it returns a non-negative value.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int fread (pchar buffer, int size, int count, plong fp)

Purpose: reads count elements of size bytes each from the file specified by fp into the buffer specified by buffer.


  • buffer - storage location for data
  • size - item size in bytes
  • count- maximum number of items to be read
  • fp - pointer to file

Returns: the number of complete elements actually read, which may be less than count if an error occurs or if the end of the file is encountered before reaching count.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void free (pchar memory_block)

Purpose: frees (un-allocates) the currently allocated memory pointed to by memory_block. Be careful to be sure that the pointer you are freeing is the correct pointer. A misspelling with this function can crash the system or worse.

Parameter: memory_block - previously allocated memory block to be freed

Returns: nothing

See also: calloc(), malloc(), realloc()

Platform: DOS and Windows


float freespace (void)

Purpose: calculates the amount of freespace in kilobytes, on the drive containing the Cortex data file.

Parameters: none

Returns: the amount of free space in kilobytes.

Platform: DOS and Windows


plong freopen (pchar filename, pchar mode, plong fp)

Purpose: closes the file currently associated with fp. Then, it opens the file named filename and associates this new file with fp.


  • filename - name of new file
  • mode - type of access permitted (see fopen())
  • fp - pointer to file

Returns: a pointer to the newly opened file. If an error occurs, the original file is closed and the function returns a NULL pointer value.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int fscanf (plong fp, pchar msg)

Purpose: scans input from the file designated by fp under control of the argument format.


  • fp - pointer to file
  • format - format-control string

Returns: the number of input arguments for which values were successfully scanned and stored. Otherwise, returns EOF when the scanning is terminated by reaching the end of the input stream.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int fseek (plong fp, long offset, int where)

Purpose: changes the read/write position of the file specified by fp. The argument offset is the position to seek to relative to one of three positions specified by the argument where.


  • fp - pointer to the file
  • offset - position to seek to
  • where - the offset will be relative to this location. Allowable values:
    • SEEK_SET - The new file position is computed relative to the start of the file. The value of offset must not be negative.
    • SEEK_CUR - The new file position is computed relative to the current file position. The value of offset may be positive, negative or zero.
    • SEEK_END - The new file position is computed relative to the end of the file.

Returns: 0 if successful, otherwise non-zero.

Platform: DOS and Windows


long ftell (plong fp)

Purpose: returns the current read/write position of the file specified by fp.

Parameters: fp - pointer to file

Returns: returns the current read/write position of the file if successful; otherwise, it returns -1 on error.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int fwrite (pchar buffer, int size, int count, plong fp)

Purpose: writes count elements of size bytes each to the file specified by fp.


  • buffer - storage location for data
  • size - item size in bytes
  • count - maximum number of items to be written
  • fp - pointer to file

Returns: the number of complete elements successfully written. This value will be less than the requested number of elements only if a write error occurs.

Platform: DOS and Windows








pchar GactivateCLT (int num_entries, int CLTsource, int src_start, int dst_start)

Purpose: Delayed (Gflush()able) version for changing a set of colors. Transfers the colors from a temporary CLT to the active CLT.


  • num entries - the number of CLT entries to load
  • CLTsource - number of the CLT as it was loaded into Cortex, through the LUT:Get:From_Disk menu. The first CLT number should be 1.
  • src_start - the starting index in the source (temporary) CLT
  • dst_start - the starting index in the destination (active) CLT

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar Gadd (int test_screen/index, int operation, int repetitions, float arg1, float arg2, int arg3)

Purpose: General interface to graphics kernel. All of the other kernel functions are converted into Gadd() calls. Basically, Gadd() is the mother of all graphics kernel functions. Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen/index (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h"; or color index)
  • operation (G_xy_MOVE_ABS, ..., see table below; #include "css_inc.h")
  • repetitions (must be =1 units of Gflush() calls: allows "automatic" repeats)
  • arg1 (depends on operation, see below)
  • arg2 (depends on operation, see below)
  • arg3 (depends on operation, see below)

Arguments for Gadd():


General Graphical Operations
Operation arg1 arg2 notes
G_COLOR_ABS red*256 +blue green Changes requested index value to r,g,b
G_COLOR_LUT 0 0 Changes the current LUT to index
G_COLOR_REL red*256 +blue green Adds r,g,b to the requested index in the LUT
G_MOVIE_run_FORE pause_on_each+1 pause_on_each Plays a movie forwards
G_MOVIE_run_REV pause_on_each+1 pause_on_each Plays a movie backwards
G_MOVIE_step frames bounds Adds frames to the current frame of the movie
G_PRIORITY priority 0 Changes the priority of test_screen
G_VISIBLE on or off (1 or 0) 0 Turns test_screen on or off

Operations using degrees per visual angle coordinates
Operation arg1 arg2 notes
G_xy_MOVE_ABS x y Moves test_screen to x,y offset from center of the screen
G_xy_MOVE_ABSref x y Moves test_screen to x,y offset from the reference point
G_xy_MOVE_ABSorig x y Moves test_screen to x,y offset from the lower left corner of the screen
G_xy_MOVE_REL x y Moves test_screen to x,y offset from current position
G_xy_PAN_ABS x y Pans test_screen within its window to absolute offset
G_xy_PAN_REL x y Pans test_screen within its window relative to current position
G_xy_WINSIZE_ABS x y Changes the size of test_screen's window to x,y
G_xy_WINSIZE_REL x y Adds x,y to the dimensions of test_screen's window

Operations using pixel coordinates
Operation arg1 arg2 notes
G_pix_MOVE_ABS x y Moves test_screen to x,y offset from center of the screen
G_pix_MOVE_ABSref x y Moves test_screen to x,y offset from the reference point
G_pix_MOVE_ABSorig x y Moves test_screen to x,y offset from the lower left corner of the screen
G_pix_MOVE_REL x y Moves test_screen to x,y offset from current position
G_pix_PAN_ABS x y Pans test_screen within its window to absolute offset
G_pix_PAN_REL x y Pans test_screen within its window relative to current position
G_pix_WINSIZE_ABS x y Changes the size of test_screen's window to x,y
G_pix_WINSIZE_REL x y Adds x,y to the dimensions of test_screen's window

Operations using radial coordinates
Operation arg1 arg2 notes
G_rt_MOVE_ABS radius theta Moves test_screen to r,t offset from center of the screen
G_rt_MOVE_ABSref radius theta Moves test_screen to r,t offset from the reference point
G_rt_MOVE_ABSorig radius theta Moves test_screen to r,t offset from the lower left corner of the screen
G_rt_MOVE_REL radius theta Moves test_screen to r,t offset from current position
G_rt_PAN_ABS radius theta Pans test_screen within its window to absolute offset
G_rt_PAN_REL radius theta Pans test_screen within its window relative to current position
G_rt_WINSIZE_ABS radius theta Changes the size of test_screen's window to r,t
G_rt_WINSIZE_REL radius theta Adds r,t to the dimensions of test_screen's window

Returns: pointer to the thread allocated by Gadd()

See Also: Gadd_with_wait(), Gcheck(), Gdel(), Gflush(), Gpurge()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar Gadd_with_wait (int test_screen/index, int operation, int repetitions, float arg1, float arg2, int wait_frames)

Purpose: General interface to graphics kernel. This is the same as Gadd(), except that it will wait a specified number of Gflush() calls before executing. Thus, if the user calls Gflush() every screen refresh (to enact real-time animation or movies, for instance), the Gadd_with_wait() operation will be performed in wait_frames screen refreshes. This call is helpful when the user would like to start and end a graphical operation at a variable random times and does not wish to keep track of how much time has passed between the start and end of the operation. Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen/index (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h"; or color index)
  • operation (G_xy_MOVE_ABS, ..., see table below; #include "css_inc.h")
  • repetitions (must be =1 units of Gflush calls: allows "automatic" repeats)
  • arg1 (depends on message, see Gadd())
  • arg2 (depends on message, see Gadd())
  • arg3 (depends on message, see Gadd())
  • wait_frames (number of Gflush() calls until function will be executed)

Returns: pointer to the thread allocated by Gadd_with_wait()

See also: Gadd(), Gcheck(), Gdel(), Gflush(), Gpurge()

Platform: DOS and Windows


long Gcheck (pchar active_thread)

Purpose: Returns the time remaining on a Gadd() thread in milliseconds.


  • active_thread - the value returned by a previous Gadd()

Returns: the time remaining for a graphical operation to run (in milliseconds). The value active_thread is the value returned by many of the New Graphical Routines (the ones that are not instantaneous in duration) and it allows Gcheck() to trace the operation's remaining time on the queue.

See also: Gadd()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GcolorABS (int index, int red, int green, int blue);

sets the color of one index within the current lookup table. To find out which index of the LUT contains the color information for a certain item, call ITEM_POSlut_index(). Must be followed by Gflush().

  • index (index within color LUT)
  • red (0-255)
  • green (0-255)
  • blue (0-255)

See also: GcolorLUT(), GcolorREL(), ITEM_POSlut_index(), load_CLT(), set_CLT_load_index(), set_colorABS(), set_colorREL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GcolorLUT (int index)

Purpose: Delayed (Gflush()able) version for changing a set of colors. Transfers the entire palette of colors (i.e., 256 colors) from a temporary CLT to the active CLT.


  • CLTsource - number of the CLT as it was loaded into Cortex, through the LUT:Get:From_Disk menu. The first CLT number should be 1.

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar GcolorLUTsubset (int num_entries, int CLTsource, int src_start, int dst_start)

Purpose: Delayed (Gflush()able) version for changing a set of colors. Transfers the colors from a temporary CLT to the active CLT.


  • num entries - the number of CLT entries to load
  • CLTsource - number of the CLT as it was loaded into Cortex, through the LUT:Get:From_Disk menu. The first CLT number should be 1.
  • src_start - the starting index in the source (temporary) CLT
  • dst_start - the starting index in the destination (active) CLT

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GcolorREL (int index, int red, int green, int blue)

Purpose: resets the color of an item one color lookup table index at a time by changing a single value within a color lookup table. Adds the values added_red, added_green, and added_blue to the current values for that entry in the color lookup table.


  • index - index within color LUT [use ITEM_POSlut_index()]
  • added_red - offset from the current red value, can be positive or negative
  • added_green - offset from the current green value, can be positive or negative
  • added_blue - offset from the current blue value, can be positive or negative

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: GcolorABS(), GcolorLUT(), ITEM_POSlut_index(), load_CLT(), set_CLT_load_index(), set_colorABS(), set_colorREL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void Gdel (pchar active_thread)

Purpose: removes a graphical operation that has been added to the stack by one of the New Graphics Routines. Only needed if the graphical operation has a duration that is non-instantaneous.


  • active_thread (pointer to the graphical operation to be deleted; returned by Gadd())

Returns: the number of threads deleted. Note that this can be dangerous if it isn't currently part of the structure, so descend that structure instead of just using next/previous pointers

See Also: Gadd(), Gpurge()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar GDPget_CLT (int num_colors, int bstart_index, pchar colors)

Purpose: gets the values of the active color lookup table (CLT) which is in use by graphics board


  • num_colors - the number of colors to be retrieved
  • start_index - the starting index in the active CLT
  • colors - the color data values. Internally, this parameter is a pointer to an array of BYTE_RGB structures which hold the red, green and blue values.

  • typedef struct { ???unsigned char r,g,b;
    } BYTE_RGB;

    However, since Cortex timing files can not contain structures, you will need to create a char array to hold these values, which are in R,G,B order. For example, your timing file could look like this:

    char colors[30];

    GDPget_CLT(5, 1, colors); // then, first red value is in colors[0] // first green value is in colors[1] // and first blue value is in colors[2], etc....

Returns: the color data values (see the colors parameter above)

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GDPset_CLT (int num_colors, int start_index, pchar colors)

Purpose: sets the values of the active color lookup table (CLT) which is in use by graphics board


  • num_colors - the number of colors to be set
  • start_index - the starting index in the active CLT
  • colors - the color data values. Internally, this parameter is a pointer to an array of BYTE_RGB structures which hold the red, green and blue values.

  • typedef struct {
    ???unsigned char r,g,b;
    } BYTE_RGB;

    However, since Cortex timing files can not contain structures, you will need to create a char array to hold these values, which are in R,G,B order. For example, your timing file could look like this:

    char colors[30];

    // first red value is set
    colors[0] = 255;
    // first green value is set
    colors[1] = 128;
    // first blue value is set
    colors[2] = 0;
    // etc.....

    GDPset_CLT(5, 1, colors);

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


int GetAKey ()

Purpose: waits for and returns a key press.

Parameters: none

Returns: casting as (char) will provide the key that was pressed, and the high byte contains special attributes (such as SHIFT or CTRL). Or, one can compare directly with the #defines in css_inc.h (be sure to #include "css_inc.h"). Internally, this function is the same as KeyGet().

See Also: KeyGet()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int getch()

Purpose: Get a character from the console without echo

Parameters: none

See also: gets()

Platform: DOS only


void getCndsFileName(pchar filename)

Purpose: This function will return the name of the Cortex conditions file through a parameter. The timing file must allocate space for the file name.

Parameters: pointer to a string that will hold the filename

Returns: nothing.

Platform: Windows only


pchar getcwd (pchar current_directory, int max_path_length)

Purpose: gets the name of the currently set working directory.


  • allocates memory of at least size max_path_length
  • returns the pointer to current_directory.

Returns: a pointer to the newly allocated current_directory, which is filled with the requested path string

See also: chdir(), mkdir(), rename(), rmdir()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void? getDataFileName (pchar filename)

Purpose: gets the name of the Cortex data file, and returns it through the filename parameter. The timing file must allocate space for the contents of the filename string.

Parameters: filename - passes back the Cortex data file name

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar getenv (pchar varname)

Purpose: searches the list of environment variables for an entry corresponding to varname

Parameter: varname - Environment variable name

Returns: pointer to that entry in the environment table

Platform: DOS and Windows


void getExternsFileName(pchar filename)

Purpose: This function will return the name of the Cortex external variables file through a parameter. The timing file must allocate space for the file name.

Parameters: pointer to a string that will hold the filename

Returns: nothing.

Platform: Windows only


void getItemsFileName(pchar filename)

Purpose: This function will return the name of the Cortex items file through a parameter. The timing file must allocate space for the file name.

Parameters: pointer to a string that will hold the filename

Returns: nothing.

Platform: Windows only


pchar gets (pchar string)

Purpose: gets a line from the keyboard and stores it in string. The characters are echoed to the screen as they are typed in (text mode only). The gets() function replaces the newline character '\n' with a NULL character '\0'. The user is responsible for allocating enough memory for the incoming string....otherwise there may be a catastrophe (such as an array overwrite or system crash).

Parameter: buffer Storage location for input string

Returns: the string, if succesful

See Also: getch(), SCREENmode()

Platform: DOS only


void getTimeDateString(pchar timStr)

Purpose: This function will return the current time and date through a string parameter. The timing file must allocate space for the time/date. The size of the string will be 26 chars.

Parameters: pointer to a string that will hold the time/date string

Returns: nothing.

Platform: Windows only


void getTimingFileName(pchar filename)

Purpose: This function will return the name of the Cortex timing file through a parameter. The timing file must allocate space for the file name.

Parameters: pointer to a string that will hold the filename

Returns: nothing.

Platform: Windows only


int get_a_input (int val)

Purpose: read a byte from Port A of the PIO24 board.


  • val - used as a mask for the input byte. If val < 8, it is multiplied by 2, and used as a mask. Otherwise, if val >=8, the input is not read and -1 is returned. (I have no idea why this masking is done.)

Returns: input from Port A of PIO24, masked with 2*val if val < 8. Otherwise, returns -1.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int get_bar_state()

Purpose: get the current state of the subject's response bar.

Parameters: none

Returns: bar state. If this is a bar up/bar down paradigm, then bar state returns 0 for bar up, 1 for bar down. If this is a bar left/right paradigm, it returns 1 for bar_centered (neither left nor right) 2 for bar_left, 3 for bar_right, and 4 for bar extra. This function assumes that the bar inputs are connected as specified in CORTEX manual.

See Also: get_block_num()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int get_block_num ()

Purpose: Returns the number of the given block

Parameters: none

Returns: the number of the current block being tested. The first block is 0 not 1.

See also: BLOCKget_block_num(), BLOCKget_cond_num(), BLOCKset_next(), get_cond_num()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int get_block_pct_correct (int block_id)

Purpose: Returns the percent correct (0-10000) of a given block. This function has been, for the most part, replaced by BLOCKget_pct(). The first block is 0 not 1.


  • block_id - the block number (must be a number from 0 to the maximum number of blocks)

Returns: The average percentage of correct trials (multiplied by 100) of all the conditions in block number block_id.

See also: BLOCKclear_stats(), BLOCKget_pct_correct(), get_cond_pct_correct()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int get_CODEbuf (int index)

Purpose: get the current CODEbuf value at the given index.

Parameters: index

Returns: the current CODEbuf value at the given index

Platform: Windows only


int get_CODE_ISImax ()

Purpose: get the current CODE_ISImax value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current CODE_ISImax value

Platform: Windows only


int get_CODE_ISIoverflow ()

Purpose: get the current CODE_ISIoverflow value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current CODE_ISIoverflow value

Platform: Windows only


int get_CODE_ISIsize ()

Purpose: get the current CODE_ISIsize value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current CODE_ISIsize value

Platform: Windows only


int get_cond_num ()

Purpose: Returns the number of the given condition

Parameters: none

Returns: the current condition being tested. The first condition is 0 not 1.

See also: BLOCKget_cond_num(), BLOCKget_block_num(),BLOCKset_next(), get_block_num()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int get_cond_pct_correct (int cond_id)

Purpose: Returns the percent correct (0-10000) of a given condition


  • cond_id - the condition number (must be a number from 0 to the maximum number of conditions)

Returns: the percentage of correct trials (multiplied by 100) in condition cond_id. The first condition is 0 not 1.

See also: BLOCKclear_stats(), BLOCKget_pct_correct(), get_block_pct_correct()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int get_digital_input (int val)

Purpose: read a byte from Port C of the PIO24 board.


  • val - used as a mask for the input byte. If val < 8, it is multiplied by 2, and used as a mask. Otherwise, if val >=8, the input is not read and -1 is returned. (I have no idea why this masking is done.)

Returns: input from Port C of PIO24, masked with 2*val if val < 8. Otherwise, returns -1.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int get_EOGbuf (int index)

Purpose: get the current EOGbuf value at the given index.

Parameters: index

Returns: the current EOGbuf value at the given index

Platform: Windows only


int get_EOGdynamic_fixwin_size ()

Purpose: get the current params.dynamic_eyewin_size value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current params.dynamic_eyewin_size value

Platform: Windows only


float get_EOGfixwin_size_x ()

Purpose: get the current params.window_x value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current params.window_x value

Platform: Windows only


float get_EOGfixwin_size_y ()

Purpose: get the current params.window_y value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current params.window_y value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EOGgain ()

purpose: get the current params.eog_gain value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current params.eog_gain value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EOGmax ()

Purpose: get the current EOGmax value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current EOGmax value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EOGnew_x ()

Purpose: get the current EOGnew_x value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current EOGnew_x value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EOGnew_y ()

Purpose: get the current EOGnew_y value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current EOGnew_y value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EOGoffset_x ()

Purpose: get the current params.eog_xoffset value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current params.eog_xoffset value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EOGoffset_y ()

Purpose: get the current params.eog_yoffset value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current params.eog_yoffset value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EOGoverflow ()

Purpose: get the current EOGoverflow value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current EOGoverflow value

Platform: Windows only


float get_EOGsaccade ()

Purpose: get the current value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EOGsize ()

Purpose: get the current EOGsize value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current EOGsize value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EPPbuf (int index)

Purpose: get the current EPPbuf value at the given index.

Returns: the current EPPbuf value at the given index

Platform: Windows only


int get_EPPmax ()

Purpose: get the current EPPmax value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current EPPmax value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EPPnew_x ()

Purpose: get the current EPPnew_x value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current EPPnew_x value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EPPnew_y ()

Purpose: get the current EPPnew_y value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current EPPnew_y value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EPPoverflow ()

Purpose: get the current EPPoverflow value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current EPPoverflow value

Platform: Windows only


int get_EPPsize ()

Purpose: get the current EPPsize value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current EPPsize value

Platform: Windows only


int get_eye_storage_rate ()

Purpose: gets the eye storage rate that was set in the Run:

Parameters:General:EOG_storage_rate menu. It is also the value that is stored in the header of the Cortex output data file.

Parameters: none

Returns: the eye data storage rate.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int get_fixation_poxX()

int get_fixation_posY()

int get_fixation_state()

Purpose: find out whether the subject's eye is within the fixation window.

Parameters: none

Returns: fixation state (1 if subject is fixated, 0 if not).

See Also: ITEM_POSeye_ishere(), ITEM_POSeye_iswithin()

Platform: DOS and Windows


long get_ISIbuf (int index)

Purpose: get the current ISIbuf value at the given index.

Parameters: index

Returns: the current ISIbuf value at the given index

Platform: Windows only


int get_keep_current_conds ()

Purpose: get the current params.keep_current_conds value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current params.keep_current_conds value

Platform: Windows only


int get_kHz_resolution ()

Purpose: gets the kHz resolution value that is stored in the header of the Cortex output data file.

Parameters: none

Returns: the kHz resolution value.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int get_ms_reward_duration ()

Purpose: get the current params.ms_reward_duration value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current params.ms_reward_duration value

Platform: Windows only


float get_param (pchar name, float default_value, pchar parfile)

Purpose: finds the default value of a parameter in a file parfile which contains semi-colons at the ends of the lines, and contains an equal sign after the name but before the default_value. (I am not sure of the real use of this function.)


  • name - name of the parameter that you are looking for
  • default_value - default value for the parameter (not used)
  • parfile - name of the file to search

Returns: the default value of the parameter

Platform: DOS and Windows


int get_repeat_num ()

Purpose: gets the repeat number, as it was stored in the header of the Cortex output data file.

Parameters: none

Returns: the repeat number.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int get_saccade_state ()

Purpose: Find out whether the subject's eye is within the fixation window. If set_saccade_tolerance() was called first, saccades will be checked for at the desired rate. Otherwise, get_saccade_state() is equal to get_fixation_state(). When there is a saccade error, can't distinquish it from a get_fixation_state error, so a stricter get_fixation_state.

Parameters: none

Returns: 0 if not fixated, 1 if fixated and not saccading, 2 if fixated but saccading too much

See Also: get_fixation_state()

Platform: DOS and Windows


long get_TIMER100us_counter ()

Purpose: get the current TIMER100us_counter value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current TIMER100us_counter value

Platform: Windows only


long get_TIMERms_counter ()

Purpose: get the current TIMERms_counter value.

Parameters: none

Returns: the current TIMERms_counter value

Platform: Windows only


int get_trial_num()

Purpose: Returns the current trial_number

Parameters: none

Returns: current trial number

Platform: DOS and Windows


int get_trial_type ()

Purpose: gets the trial type that was set in the TRIAL_TYPE column of the conditions file. It is also the value that is stored in the header of the Cortex output data file as the expected_response.

Parameters: none

Returns: the trial type.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int Gflush (int synchronize)

Purpose: After queueing a number of graphics commands, you need to flush them to ensure that they are acted upon. You can also specify whether or not to synchronize on them (i.e. wait until the graphics card is finished the requested operations before continuing with the calling program.

Parameter: synchronize (1 = synchronize, 0 = don't synchronize).

Returns: number of threads left in queue to be processed.

Note: If you are using the DirectX version of the receive program, the synchronize parameter of the Gflush() function has no effect. The program will always behave as if Gflush(1) was called. The reason for this behavior is that in a DirectX application, the vertical refreshing behavior must occur at initialization, and cannot be changed dynamically. Since it was assumed that most users would want to synchronize with the vertical refresh, this was programmed to be the default behavior.

See Also: GmoveABS()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GmoveABS (int test_screen, float horizontal, float vertical)

Purpose: Moves the center of a test_screen to an absolute position. (Moves the window's center relative to (0,0).) Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • horizontal (degrees of visual angle)
  • vertical (degrees of visual angle)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: Gdel(), Gflush(), GmoveREL(), Gpurge()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar GmoveABSorig (int test_screen, float horizontal, float vertical)

Purpose: Moves the center of a test_screen to another position. (Moves the window's center relative to it's original center.) Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • horizontal (degrees of visual angle)
  • vertical (degrees of visual angle)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See Also: Gdel(), Gflush(), GmoveREL(), Gpurge()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar GmoveABSref (int test_screen, float horizontal, float vertical)

Purpose: Moves the center of a test_screen to another position. (Moves the window's center relative to the reference point as defined in the Cortex Item:Reference menu option.) Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • horizontal (degrees of visual angle)
  • vertical (degrees of visual angle)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See Also: Gdel(), Gflush(), GmoveREL(), Gpurge()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GmoveREL (int test_screen, float horizontal, float vertical)

Purpose: Move the center of a test_screen to a location relative to its current location. Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • horizontal (degrees of visual angle)
  • vertical (degrees of visual angle)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: Gdel(), Gflush(), GmoveABS(), Gpurge()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int Gmove_fixwin (int movetype, float arg1, float arg2)

Purpose: Move the fixation window to a new location. This function draws the new fixation window on the user's screen and updates the eye boundary parameters.


  • movetype - specify how the fixwin will be moved. Can be any one of the following values (must #include "css_inc.h"):
    • G_xy_MOVE_ABS, G_xy_MOVE_ABSref, G_xy_MOVE_ABSorig, G_xy_MOVE_REL, G_pix_MOVE_ABS, G_pix_MOVE_ABSref, G_pix_MOVE_ABSorig, G_pix_MOVE_REL, G_rt_MOVE_ABS, G_rt_MOVE_ABSref, G_rt_MOVE_ABSorig, G_rt_MOVE_REL
  • arg1 - depends on the movetype parameter; refer to Gadd() for the necessary parameters.
  • arg2 - depends on the movetype parameter; refer to Gadd() for the necessary parameters.

Returns: 1 if successful.

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar Gmovie (int test_screen, long duration, int pause_each_frame, int starting_frame, int direction, int auto_on_off)

Purpose: The Gmovie() function tells CORTEX to display a movie in the specified test_screen. CORTEX will not actually display a frame of the movie until the Gflush() function is called. In order for each new frame of the movies to be drawn, Gflush() must be called. Thus, if your monitor is updated at 60Hz, you should call Gflush() at least once every 1/60 seconds. The easiest way to handle this is to put the Gflush() function within a while-loop immediately after the Gmovie() function is called. If the fifth argument of the Gmovie() function is set to 1, the movies will automatically turn off at the correct time as set by the duration parameter.

Note that Gflush() will return the value 1 if Gmovie() or any other graphical function is pending. Gflush() will return the value 0 if there are no pending graphical functions pending. Therefore, one easy way to guarantee that you will display the movie until the duration has elapsed is with code like the following example:

?????Gmovie(TEST0, 10000, 0, 0, 1, 1);
?????while (Gflush(1));

Gmovie() must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • duration (milliseconds) - only used if number of frames is zero or negative.
  • pause_each_frame (number of frames to wait between updates)
  • starting_frame (relative to current one: ...-1 = last, 0 = current, 1 = next..., enter a large negative or positive number to get to FIRST or LAST frame if the desired offset is unknown)
  • direction (1 = run forwards, 0 = run backwards)
  • auto_on_off (if != 0 then automatically turn on and off at appropriate time)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: Gmovie_step(), init_movie(), run_movie()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar Gmovie_one_time (int test_screen, long duration, int pause_each_frame, int starting_frame, int direction, int auto_on_off)

Purpose: Runs a movie one time through one complete cycle of all of the frames of the movie, and then stops. If the starting_frame is a value other than the first frame of the movie (i.e., frame number 0), then the movie will be displayed starting at the specified frame, and will play through all of the frames of the movie, wrapping around until it reaches the starting_frame - 1. If there is only one frame in the movie, it just calculates the number of frames based upon the time (like Gmovie() does). Gmovie_one_time() must be followed by Gflush(). Refer to the Gflush() information in the description of Gmovie().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • duration (milliseconds) - only used if total number of frames is zero or negative
  • pause_each_frame (number of frames to wait between updates)
  • starting_frame (relative to current one: ...-1 = last, 0 = current, 1 = next..., enter a large negative or positive number to get to FIRST or LAST frame if the desired offset is unknown)
  • direction (1 = run forwards, 0 = run backwards)
  • auto_on_off (if != 0 then automatically turn on and off at appropriate time)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: Gmovie(), Gmovie_step(), init_movie(), run_movie()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void Gmovie_step (inttest_screen, int next_frame, int bounds)

Purpose: Steps a movie to a new position. Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • next_frame (relative to current one: ...-1 = last, 0 = current, 1 = next..., enter a large negative or positive number to get to FIRST or LAST frame if the desired offset is unknown)
  • bounds (one of following:)
  • MOVIE_FIRST_FRAME - goto first frame (ignore "next_frame") MOVIE_LAST_FRAME - goto last frame (ignore "next_frame") MOVIE_STEP_WRAP - add "next_frame" to current position. Allow wrap. MOVIE_STEP_BOUNDED - add "next_frame" to current, stopping @ bounds MOVIE_STEP_IF_VALID - only add "next_frame" to current if within bounds

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: Gmovie(), init_movie(), run_movie()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void Gon_off (int test_screen, int visible)

Purpose: Turn a test_screen on or off. Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • visible (1 = on, 0 = off)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: display_fixspot(), display_sample(), display_test(), Gdel(), Gflush(), Gpurge()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar Gpan (int test_screen, float speed, float direction, long duration, int auto_on_off)

Purpose: The Gpan() function tells CORTEX to display and pan a test_screen across its center. CORTEX will not actually display a frame until the Gflush() function is called. In order for each new frame to be drawn, Gflush() must be called. The easiest way to handle this is to put the Gflush() function within a while-loop immediately after the Gpan() function is called. If the fifth argument of the Gpan() function is set to 1, the item will automatically turn off at the correct time as set by the duration parameter.

Note that Gflush() will return the value 1 if Gpan() or any other graphical function is pending. Gflush() will return the value 0 if there are no pending graphical functions pending. Therefore, one easy way to guarantee that you will display the pan until the duration has elapsed is with code like the following example:

Gpan(TEST0, 2, 2, 1000, 1);
while (Gflush(1));


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • speed (degrees of visual angle per second)
  • direction (degrees)
  • duration (milliseconds)
  • auto_on_off (if != 0 then automatically turn on and off at appropriate time)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: Gflush(), GpanABS(), GpanREL(), Gpurge(), init_pan(), pan_win(), pan_wkstABS(), pan_wkstREL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GpanABS (int test_screen, float horizontal, float vertical)

Purpose: Pans the item across absolute coordinates while its window stays still. Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • horizontal (degrees of visual angle)
  • vertical (degrees of visual angle)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: Gflush(), Gpan(), GpanREL(), Gpurge(), init_pan(), pan_win(), pan_wkstABS(), pan_wkstREL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GpanREL (int test_screen, float horizontal, float vertical)

Purpose: Pans the item across coordinates relative to its current position while its window stays still. Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • horizontal (degrees of visual angle)
  • vertical (degrees of visual angle)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: Gflush(), Gpan(), GpanABS(), Gpurge(), init_pan(), pan_win(), pan_wkstABS(), pan_wkstREL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void Gpriority (int test_screen, int priority)

Purpose: window with highest priority is on top in case of overlap. The default is that the FIXSPOT has the highest priority, followed the PLAY stimulus, followed by TEST0, etc. Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • priority - the maximum priority is 700. The fixspot, since it is highest priority, is also 700. The play screen has a priority of 650. All the test screens have a priority assigned by decrements of 50. In other words, TEST0 has a priority of 600, TEST1 has a priority of 550, TEST2 has a priority of 500, etc. The higher the number, the higher the priority.

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel()

See also: init_foreback()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void Gpurge()

Purpose: In situations where one needs to abort a trial, and is not certain which commands might remain in queue, Gpurge() will clear the entire buffer. In general, it is a good idea to specifically Gdel() the commands from the queue, but calling Gpurge() at the end of a timing file (before exit()) may be beneficial. This call is basically the same as Gdel(), but it deletes ALL pending graphics operations at once.

Parameters: none

Returns: number of threads deleted.

See also: Gdel()

Platform: DOS and Windows



void GRAPHICSclose ()

Purpose: shutdown all the graphics operations and release all of the resources. Should not need to call this function, since Cortex calls this automatically when the trial is over. May not work with the two-computer version of Cortex.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GRAPHICSdegenerate ()

Purpose: erases the graphics from the screen, and deallocates the storage for them. Should not need to call this function, since Cortex calls this automatically when the trial is over.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GRAPHICSdraw (int who, int item_id)

Purpose: Draw an item onto an offscreen surface. All objects/groups are drawn with respect to the reference point except for the reference point itself, which is drawn relative to the center of the screen (0,0). Should not need to call this function, since Cortex calls this internally when Gon_off() is called. (Use Gon_off() instead!!)


  • who - TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h"
  • item_id - the number of the item to be drawn

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GRAPHICSdraw_background (int item_id)

Purpose: Sets the background color to be the color of the given item number, as specified in the items file RGB columns. Should not need to call this function, since Cortex calls this internally when the trial is started.

Parameters: item_id - number of the item to be used

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GRAPHICSdraw_condition ()

Purpose: Draws the items of the current condition number into an offscreen surface. Should not need to call this function, since Cortex calls this internally when the trial is started.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GRAPHICSgenerate (int cond)

Purpose: Draws the items of the given condition number into an offscreen surface. Can not be called if graphics have already been generated on the subject's screen. Must issue a GRAPHICSdegenerate() call first. Should not need to call this function, since Cortex calls this internally when the trial is started.

Parameters: cond - condition number

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


int GRAPHICSopen (int bits_per_pixel, float hpixels_per_dva, float vpixels_per_dva, int fps, int Xdim, int Ydim)

Purpose: initiate graphics capabilities of the given specifications on the subject's monitor. Should not need to call this function, since Cortex calls this internally when it starts up. May not work with the two-computer version of Cortex.


  • bits_per_pixel - valid values: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32
  • hpixels_per_dva - number of horizontal pixels per degree of visual angle
  • vpixels_per_dva - number of vertical pixels per degree of visual angle
  • fps - number of frames per second
  • Xdim - resolution of the screen in the X dimension
  • Ydim - resolution of the screen in the Y dimension

Returns: 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GRAPHICSread_color (int color, int *r, int *g, int *b)

Purpose: get the color value for the specified index in the active color lookup table (CLT).


  • color - index into the active CLT
  • r - pointer to the red value
  • g - pointer to the red value
  • b - pointer to the red value

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


int GRAPHICSread_color_palette(char *palette_name)

Purpose: read the given Cortex color lookup table (CLT) file, and load it into the active CLT which is in use by the graphics board.

Parameters: palette_name - filename of the CLT (the file must be in the Cortex CLT format. Refer to the Cortex User's Manual for the file format.)

Returns: 1 if successful

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GRAPHICSset_color (int color, int r, int g, int b)

Purpose: set the color value for the specified index in the active color lookup table (CLT).


  • color - index into the active CLT
  • r - pointer to the red value
  • g - pointer to the red value
  • b - pointer to the red value

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar Gscroll (int test_screen, float speed, float direction, long duration, int auto_on_off)

Purpose: The Gscroll() function tells CORTEX to display and scroll a test_screen across its center. CORTEX will not actually display a frame until the Gflush()function is called. In order for each new frame to be drawn, Gflush() must be called. The easiest way to handle this is to put the Gflush() function within a while-loop immediately after the Gscroll() function is called. If the fifth argument of the Gscroll() function is set to 1, the item will automatically turn off at the correct time as set by the duration parameter.

Note that Gflush() will return the value 1 if Gscroll() or any other graphical function is pending. Gflush() will return the value 0 if there are no pending graphical functions pending. Therefore, one easy way to guarantee that you will display the scroll until the duration has elapsed is with code like the following example:

Gscroll(TEST0, 2, 2, 1000, 1);
while (Gflush(1));


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • speed (degrees of visual angle per second)
  • direction (degrees)
  • duration (milliseconds)
  • auto_on_off (if != 0 then automatically turn on and off at appropriate time)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: Gflush(), Gpurge(), init_scroll(), scroll_win(), scroll_win_with_fix()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar Gsweep (int test_screen, float speed, float direction, long duration, int auto_on_off)

Purpose: The Gsweep() function tells CORTEX to display and sweep a test_screen across its center. CORTEX will not actually display a frame until the Gflush() function is called. In order for each new frame to be drawn, Gflush() must be called. The easiest way to handle this is to put the Gflush() function within a while-loop immediately after the Gsweep() function is called. If the fifth argument of the Gsweep() function is set to 1, the item will automatically turn off at the correct time as set by the duration parameter.

Note that Gflush() will return the value 1 if Gsweep() or any other graphical function is pending. Gflush() will return the value 0 if there are no pending graphical functions pending. Therefore, one easy way to guarantee that you will display the sweep until the duration has elapsed is with code like the following example:

Gsweep(TEST0, 2, 2, 1000, 1);
while (Gflush(1));


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • speed (degrees of visual angle per second)
  • direction (degrees)
  • duration (milliseconds)
  • auto_on_off (if != 0 then automatically turn on and off at appropriate time)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: Gflush(), Gpurge(), init_sweep(), sweep_win(), sweep_win_with_fix()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void Gtransparancy (int on_off)

Purpose: turn transparency on or off for all subsequent calls

Parameter: 1 = on, 0 = off

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GwinSizeABS (inttest_screen, float horizontal, float vertical)

Purpose: changes the size of the window surrounding a test_screen to an absolute size. Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • horizontal (degrees of visual angle)
  • vertical (degrees of visual angle)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: Gflush(), Gdel(), Gpurge(), GwinSizeREL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void GwinSizeREL (inttest_screen, float horizontal, float vertical)

Purpose: changes the size of the window surrounding test_screen to an size relative to its current size. Must be followed by Gflush().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • horizontal (degrees of visual angle)
  • vertical (degrees of visual angle)

Returns: pointer to thread added. Can be passed to Gcheck() or Gdel().

See also: Gflush(), Gdel(), Gpurge(), GwinSizeABS()

Platform: DOS and Windows





void histogram_Ctik (int color)

Purpose: draws a colored tik mark on the current bin of the histogram(s). Typically for indicating where events have occurred in the trial. This is the newer version of histogram_tik(), which has been left in CORTEX for backwards compatibility reasons.

Parameters: color (desired color of tik mark -- #include "css_inc.h")

Returns: nothing.

See also: histogram_tik()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void histogram_tik ()

Purpose: draws a tik mark on the current bin of the histogram(s). Typically for indicating where events have occurred in the trial. This has been replaced by histogram_Ctik() and has been left in for backwards compatibility. Paramters: none.

Returns: nothing.

See also: histogram_Ctik()

Platform: DOS and Windows






int init_foreback (int fore_test_screen, int back_test_screen, int milliseconds)

Purpose: simultaneously move the images inside of two windows (foreground/background motion).


  • fore_test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • back_test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • duration of foreback movement, in milliseconds

Returns: number of milliseconds remaining. If successful, turns on both stimuli, and waits for the stimuli to appear before returning.

See also: init_movie()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int init_movie (int test_screen, int duration, int rate, int first_frame)

Purpose: to start a movie at frame # first_frame and run it at desired speed for specified duration.


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • duration of movie in milliseconds
  • rate of movie (if frames_per_second [fps] is set at 60: 1 = 60 fps, 2 = 30 fps, 3 = 20 fps)
  • first_frame (starting frame) (0 = first, 1 = last, 2 = current, 3 = next 4 = previous)

Returns: 0 if failed to initialize movie, else number of milliseconds left (a multiple of the refresh rate).

See also: Gmovie(), run_movie()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int init_pan (int test_screen, int duration)

Purpose: pans a test_screen within a stationary window.


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • duration of panning, in milliseconds

Returns: 0 if failed to initialize panning, else number of milliseconds left (a multiple of the refresh rate).

See also: Gpan(), GpanABS(), GpanREL(), Gpurge(), pan_win(), pan_wkstABS(), pan_wkstREL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int init_scroll (int test_screen, int duration)

Purpose: move a test_screen around the screen


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • duration of scrolling, in milliseconds

Returns: 0 if failed to initialize scrolling, else number of milliseconds left (a multiple of the refresh rate)

See also: Gscroll(), scroll_win(), scroll_win_with_fix()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int init_sweep (int test_screen, int speed, int direction, int duration)

Purpose: move a test_screen across the screen so that it passes through the center of the test_screen's current location.


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • speed (in 1/100 of deg per sec)
  • direction (in 1/100 of deg of angle)
  • duration of sweeping, in milliseconds

Returns: 0 if failed to initialize sweeping, else number of milliseconds left (a multiple of the refresh rate)

See Also: Gsweep(), init_sweep_win_with_fix(), sweep_win(), sweep_win_with_fix()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int init_sweep_with_fix (int test_screen, int speed, int direction, int duration)

Purpose: set up the initialization parameters for moving a window across the screen so that it goes through the center of the test_screen's location (i.e. the center of a receptive field). Fixspot will sweep with the window.


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • speed (in 1/100 of deg per sec)
  • direction (in 1/100 of deg of angle)
  • duration of sweeping, in milliseconds

Returns: 0 if failed to initialize sweeping, else number of milliseconds left (a multiple of the refresh rate)

See Also: Gsweep(), init_sweep(), sweep_win(), sweep_win_with_fix()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int init_toggle (int first_test_screen, int second_test_screen, int duration, int rate)

Purpose: flip between two test_screens


  • first_test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • second_test_screen
  • duration of toggling, in milliseconds
  • rate of toggling (if frames_per_second [fps] is set at 60: 1 = 60 Hz toggling, 2 = 30 Hz toggling, 3 = 20 Hz toggling)

Returns: 0 if failed to initialize sweeping, else number of milliseconds left (a multiple of the refresh rate) and waits for the stimulus to appear before returning (syncs).

See also: toggle_wins()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int inp (int port)

Returns: a single byte read from port

See also: inpw(), outp(), outpw()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int inpw (int port)

Returns: two bytes (16 bits) read from port

See also: inp(), outp(), outpw()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int in_corridor (float eye_horizontal, float eye_vertical, int corridor_width, float slope, float DC)

Purpose: A distance value is computed for the indicated position of the eye. The distance is the minimum distance between the straight line trajectory (defined here as an infinitely long line of slope = slope starting at the origin (0,0)) and the current eye position. If this distance is within a preset tolerance (the corridor_width), the function returns 1, else 0.


  • eye_horizontal (eye location in horizontal axis)
  • eye_vertical (eye location in vertical axis)
  • corridor_width (width of requested corridor)
  • slope (slope of requested corridor, see find_slope())
  • DC (denominator constant of corridor, see find_DC())

Returns: 1 = in corridor, 0 = outside corridor

See also: find_slope(), find_DC(), distance_to_line()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int in_window (int test_x, int test_y, int target_x, int target_y, int target_size)

Purpose: test if an point (test_x, test_y) is within a square target area


  • test_x - horizontal coordinate of test point
  • test_y - vertical coordinate of test point
  • target_x - horizontal coordinate of center of square target area
  • target_y - vertical coordinate of center of square target area
  • target_size - size of one side of the square target area

Returns: 1= in the target area, 0= not in the target area

See also: ITEM_POSbind_fixspot()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int ITEM_POSbind_fixspot (int test_screen, int item_position)

Purpose: moves the fixation window to a specified item_position (or eye_window position) within a given test_screen.


  • test_screen (TEST0-9,FIXSPOT,PLAY,EYE_WIN,BOUND_FIXWIN; see css_inc.h)
  • item_position (1-x)

Returns: 1 if success, 0 if fails

See also: move_eye_window(), move_fixspot(), set_fix_params()

Backward Compatibility: EYEactivate_eyewin(), EYEactivate_item()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int ITEM_POSeye_delta (int test_screen, int item_position, pfloat x_from_center, pfloat y_from_center, pint within_target)

Purpose: get distance of eye_spot from an item's center, quadrant info, and whether eye_pos is within item's size window.


  • item_position within that test_screen (1-x)
  • x_from_center
  • y_from_center
  • within_target == 1 if (x_from_center, y_from_center) is within (target center+=target size/2), else 0


  • 0 if invalid selection
  • ITEM_POS_QUAD_UR = upper right quadrant (#include "css_inc.h" to get these codes)
  • ITEM_POS_QUAD_UL = upper left
  • ITEM_POS_QUAD_LL = lower left
  • ITEM_POS_QUAD_LR = lower right

See Also: EYEget_dva(), ITEM_POSeye_ishere(), ITEM_POSeye_iswithin()

Backward Compatibility: get_fixation_posX(), get_fixation_posY()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int ITEM_POSeye_ishere (int test_screen, int item_position)

Purpose: checks if the eye position is within the bounds of an item (or the smallest rectangle that can surround a item of complex shape)


  • item_position (1-x)

Returns: 1 if eye is within bounds of item, 0 if it is not

See also: EYEget_dva(), ITEM_POSeye_delta(), ITEM_POSeye_iswithin()

Backward Compatibility: EYEis_at_eyewin(), EYEis_at_item()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int ITEM_POSeye_iswithin (int test_screen, int item_position, float x_size, float y_size)

Purpose: checks if the eye position is within bounds specified by a rectangle with width of x_size and height of y_size centered around the middle of the specified target. This is a more conservative version of ITEM_POSeye_ishere().


  • item_position (1-x)
  • x_size limits x size
  • y_size limits y size<</li>

Returns: 1 if eye is within specified bounds (center +-size/2), 0 if it is not

See also: EYEget_dva(), ITEM_POSeye_isdelta(), ITEM_POSeye_ishere()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int ITEM_POSget (int test_screen, int item_position, pfloat x_center, pfloat y_center, pfloat x_size, pfloat y_size)

Purpose: gets the center and size (in degrees of visual angle) of any item. ITEM_POS dynamically tracks all items, accurately recording their position even when involved in complicated sweeping or other procedures. (Although ITEM size information returned may not be accurate for all frames of a movie with varyingly sized frames).


  • item_position within that test_screen (1-n)
  • x_center (upon calling function, this pointer will store the x_center value here)
  • y_center (upon calling function, this pointer will store the y_center value here)
  • x_size (upon calling function, this pointer will store the x_size value here)
  • y_size (upon calling function, this pointer will store the y_size value here)

Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if an invalid selection

Backward Compatibility: get_posX(), get_posY()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int ITEM_POSlut_index (int test_screen, int item_position)

Purpose: ONLY way to get the index which has to be passed to set_color() and other color-related functions.


  • item_position (1-x)

Returns: the index in the current LUT in which the requested item's color is stored. This function is used when the user wishes to change the color of an item, followed by a call to GcolorABS(), GcolorLUT(), GcolorREL(), set_CLT_load_index(), set_colorABS(), or set_color_REL().

See Also: GcolorABS(), GcolorLUT(), GcolorREL(), load_CLT(), set_CLT_load_index(), set_colorABS(), set_color_REL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void ITEM_POSmark_pos (int test_screen, int item_position, int color)

Purpose: draws a box marking the center and size of the item on the USER screen. Is NOT dynamically updated if the item changes position (such as when it is sweeping).


  • item_position (1-x)
  • color (#include "css_inc.h" and use the colors listed there)

Returns: nothing

See also: DrawBox()

Backward Compatibility: mark_eyewin(), mark_item(), mark_pos()

Platform: DOS and Windows







int KeyGet ()

Purpose: waits for a key press and returns the key and attributes.

Parameters: none.

Returns: (unsigned ) casting as (char) will provide the key that was pressed, and the high byte contains special attributes (such as SHIFT or CTRL). Or, one can compare directly with the #defines in css_inc.h (be sure to #include "css_inc.h"). Internally, this function calls the GetAKey() function.

See Also: GetAKey()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int KeyHit ()

Purpose: checks if a key has been pressed. Removes the key from the stdin buffer and erases it.

Parameters: none

Returns: 1 if TRUE, 0 if FALSE

See also: KeyPressed()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int KeyPressed ()

Purpose: checks if a key has been pressed. Leaves the pressed key in the stdin buffer, so GetAKey() can retrieve it.

Parameters: none

Returns: 1 if TRUE (anything in char buffer), 0 if FALSE

See Also: GetAKey(), KeyHit()

Platform: DOS and Windows






void load_CLT (int index)

Purpose: changes the entire color palette mid-trial using preloaded CLTs (from the CLT menu). Refer to them by their index position (1-n).


  • index - number (1 through n) of the CLT as it was loaded into Cortex, through the LUT:Get:From_Disk menu. The first CLT number should be 1.

Returns: nothing.

See also: GcolorABS(), GcolorREL(), GcolorLUT(), ITEM_POSlut_index(), set_CLT_load_index(), set_colorABS(), set_colorREL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int load_CLT_subset (int num_entries, int CLTsource, int src_start, int dst_start)

Purpose: loads part of a preloaded CLT (from the CLT menu) into the active CLT.


  • num_entries - the number of entries that should be loaded
  • CLTsource - number (1 through n) of the CLT as it was loaded into Cortex, through the LUT:Get:From_Disk menu. The first CLT number should be 1.
  • src_start - the starting index in the source (temporary) CLT, a number between 0 and 255
  • dst_start - the starting index in the destination (active) CLT, a number between 0 and 255

Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if error (e.g. invalid CLT or range)

Platform: DOS and Windows


float log (float value)

Purpose: The function returns the logarithm of x.

Returns: natural log of value

See also: exp(), log10()

Platform: DOS and Windows


float log10 (float value)

Purpose: The function returns the base 10 logarithm of x.

Returns: logarithm (base 10) of value

See also: log()

Platform: DOS and Windows


long lseek (int handle, long offset, int origin)

Purpose: moves the current file pointer (referred to by handle) position to offset from origin. origin must equal one of the following constants: SEEK_SET (beginning of file); SEEK_CUR (current position of pointer); SEEK_END (end_of_file). These constants are defined in css_inc.h so be sure to #include "css_inc.h" in your timing file.


  • handle (handle to a currently open file)
  • offset (number of bytes from origin to set new pointer position)
  • origin (see description in purpose section of this page)

Returns: the offset in bytes of the new position of the pointer from the beginning of the file. Returns -1L if there is an error.

See also: tell()

Platform: DOS and Windows











pchar malloc (int number_of_bytes)

Purpose: allocates a block of memory. Note that the sizeof() command may be used to assess the size of any data type automatically.


  • number_of_bytes (the number of bytes to allocate)

Returns: a pointer to the allocated space, or 0 if there is insufficient memory available.

See Also: calloc(), free(), realloc()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int max (int value_1, int value_2)

Purpose: find maximum of two integers


  • value_1 first value to be compared
  • value 2 second value to be compared

Returns: the value that is larger

See Also: min()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar memchr (pchar buf, int c, int count)

Purpose: Finds characters in a buffer.


  • buf - buffer to search
  • c - character to look for
  • count - number of characters to check

Returns: If successful, a pointer to the first location of c in buf; otherwise, it returns 0.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int memcmp (pchar buf1, pchar buf2, int count)

Purpose: Compare characters in two buffers.


  • buf1 - first buffer
  • buf2 - second buffer
  • count - number of characters to compare

Returns: The return value indicates the relationship between the buffers:

  • < 0 indicates buf1 less than buf2
  • = 0 indicates but1 identical to buf2
  • >0 indicates buf1 greater than buf2

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar memcpy (pchar dest, pchar src, int count)

Purpose: Copies characters between buffers.


  • dest - new buffer
  • src - buffer to copy from
  • count - number of characters to copy

Returns: the value of dest.

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar memmove (pchar dest, pchar src, int count)

Purpose: Moves one buffer to another.


  • dest - destination buffer
  • src - source buffer
  • count -number of bytes of characters to copy

Returns: the value of dest.

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar memset (pchar dest, int c, int count)

Purpose: sets the first count bytes of dest to the character c.


  • dest - destination buffer
  • c - character to use for filling the buffer
  • count - number of characters to set

Returns: the value of dest.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void MessageFloat (int message_field, float value)

Purpose: prints a floating point value to the USER status screen. To take advantage of this, you add the appropriate GETSmessage lines to CORTEX.CFG.


  • message_field in which to put the value (1-5) (corresponds to GETSmessage1,2...)
  • the floating-point value to be displayed

Returns: nothing.

See Also: MessageInt(), MessageLong(), MessageString(), Mprintf()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void MessageInt (int message_field, int value)

Purpose: prints an int to the USER status screen. To take advantage of this, you add the appropriate GETSmessage lines to CORTEX.CFG.


  • message_field in which to put the value (1-5) (corresponds to GETSmessage1,2...)
  • the integer value to be displayed

Returns: nothing.

See Also: MessageFloat(), MessageLong(), MessageString(), Mprintf()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void MessageLong (int index, long message)

Purpose: Prints a message to the user's status screen. To take advantage of this, you add the appropriate GETSmessage lines to cortex.cfg.


  • message_field in chich to put the value (1-5) (corresponds to GETSmessage1,2...)
  • the number to be shown in the message window.

Returns: nothing.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void MessageString (int message_field, pchar string)

Purpose: prints a string to the USER status screen. To take advantage of this, you add the appropriate GETSmessage line to CORTEX.CFG.


  • message_field in which to put the value (1-5) (corresponds to GETSmessage1,2...)
  • the pointer to the string to be displayed

Returns: nothing.

See Also: MessageFloat(), MessageInt(), MessageLong(), Mprintf()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int min (int value_1, int value_2)

Purpose: find the smaller of two values

Returns: the minimum of two integers value_1 and value_2

See Also: max()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int mkdir (pchar dirname)

Purpose: creates the directory indicated by dirname

Parameter: dirname - path for new directory

Returns: 0 if successful

See also: chdir(), getcwd(), rename(), rmdir()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int MouseMoved (pint deltaX, pint deltaY, pint buttons)

Purpose: checks the distance deltaX and deltaY of the mouse since last call. Paramaters:

  • deltaX (points to the value filled by MouseMoved() and represents the distance in the X-axis the mouse has been moved.)
  • deltaY (points to the value filled by MouseMoved() and represents the distance in the Y-axis the mouse has been moved.)
  • buttons (points to the value filled by MouseMoved() and can be compared to values listed in css_inc.h to recover which buttons are currently being pressed: LEFT_BUTTON, RIGHT_BUTTON, BOTH_BUTTONS. Be sure to #include "css_inc.h" in you timing file.)

Returns: TRUE if at least one button is being pressed, FALSE if none

See also: MousePressed()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int MousePressed (pint buttons)

Purpose: checks to see if any of the mouse buttons are currently being pressed. Paramaters:

  • buttons (points to the value filled by MousePressed() and can be compared to values listed in css_inc.h to recover which buttons are currently being pressed: LEFT_BUTTON, RIGHT_BUTTON, BOTH_BUTTONS. Be sure to #include "css_inc.h" in you timing file.)

Returns: TRUE if at least one button is being pressed, FALSE if none

See also: MouseMoved()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void move_eye_window (int horiz_offset, int vert_offset)

Purpose: move the fixation window without moving the fixspot


  • horiz_offset from reference point (in 1/100 of deg of visual angle)
  • vert_offset from reference point (in 1/100 of deg of visual angle)

Returns: nothing

See also: ITEM_POSbind_fixspot(), move_fixspot(), set_fixwin_params()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void move_fixspot (int visible, int horiz_offset, int vert_offset)

Purpose: moves and turns on or off the fixation spot. The fixation window automatically moves with the fixspot. To separate the fixspot and fixation window, call move_eye_window().


  • visible (0 = turn fixspot off, 1 = turn it on)
  • horiz_offset (from reference point in 1/100 of deg of visual angle)
  • vert_offset (from reference point in 1/100 of deg of visual angle)

Returns: nothing

See also: GmoveREL(), ITEM_POSbind_fixspot(), move_eye_window(), set_fixwin_params()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void move_sample (int visible, int horiz_offset, int vert_offset)

Purpose: moves and turns on or off the sample stimulus (the sample stimulus is defined as TEST0)


  • visible (0 = turn TEST0 off, 1 = turn it on)
  • horiz_offset (from reference point in 1/100 of deg of visual angle)
  • vert_offset (from reference point in 1/100 of deg of visual angle)

Returns: nothing

See also: GmoveREL(), move_test()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void move_test (int test_screen, int visible, int horiz_offset, int vert_offset)

Purpose: turns on or off the specified test_screen and moves it


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • visible (0 = turn test off; 1 = turn test on)
  • horiz_offset from reference point (in 1/100 of deg of visual angle)
  • vert_offset from reference point (in 1/100 of deg of visual angle)

Returns: nothing

See also: GmoveREL(), move_sample()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void Mprintf (int message_field, pchar string)

Purpose: prints a string to the USER status screen. To take advantage of this, you add the appropriate GETSmessage? line to CORTEX.CFG. Unlike MessageString(), Mprintf() will accept strings using the format flags used in printf().


  • message_field in which to put the value (1-5) (corresponds to GETSmessage1,2...)
  • the pointer to the string to be displayed, or string with format flags in quotes variable this depends on if there are flags in argument (2) to define...just as in printf()

Returns: nothing.

See Also: MessageFloat(), MessageInt(), MessageLong(), MessageString()

Platform: DOS and Windows


long MS_TIMERcheck (int timer_number)

Purpose: checks the number of milliseconds left in the count-down of timer number timer_number


Returns: number of MS left (0 when finished)

See also: MS_TIMERset(), set_timer(), timer_expired()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int MS_TIMERset (int timer_number, long milliseconds)

Purpose: sets the timer numbered timer_number to milliseconds. There are a maximum of 32 timers which can be set in this way besides the timer set by set_timer(). This allows more flexibility in time management than in earlier versions of CORTEX, but beware that the only way to retrieve the current countdown for a given MS_TIMER is with the MS_TIMERcheck() command. timer_expired() will not check these timers.


  • timer_number (maximum value can be 32)
  • milliseconds (number of milliseconds in countdown)

Returns: 1 if successful

See also: MS_TIMERcheck(), set_timer(), timer_expired()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void no_fixation ()

Purpose: Records in the data file that the subject never achieved fixation. This function also displays a "no fixation" message in the status of the USER screen.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

See also: encode()

Platform: DOS and Windows





open outp outpw


int open (pchar filename, int oflag, int permission_mode)

Purpose: opens a file named filename and bestows upon it the attributes set with oflag and permission_mode. Detailed descriptions of the constants to be used with oflag and permission_mode can be found in any ANSI manual. The oflag constants can be ored (|) with each other to make various combinations. They are called, briefly: _O_APPEND (repositions the file pointer to the end-of-file before writing); _O_BINARY (opens file in binary mode); _O_CREAT (creates and opens a new file, fails if filename already exists); _O_EXCL (returns an error if filename already exists--used only in conjunction with _O_CREAT); _O_RDONLY (opens a file for reading only...cannot be given simultaneously as _O_RDWR or _O_WRONLY); _O_RDWR (opens a file for both reading and writing...cannot be given simultaneously as _O_RDONLY or _O_WRONLY); _O_TEXT (opens a file in text mode); _O_TRUNC (opens and erases a file...cannot be given simultaneously as _O_RDONLY); _O_WRONLY (opens a file for writing only...cannot be given simultaneously as _O_RDWR or _O_RDONLY). The permission_mode constants are ignored unless the _O_CREAT oflag is called and can be ored (|) with each other to allow for both reading and writing. They are called, briefly: _S_IREAD (reading permitted, only); _S_IWRITE (writing permitted, only).


  • filename (name of file to be opened)
  • oflag (file attributes)
  • permission_mode (file permissions. Only used with the _O_CREAT file attribute.)

Returns: the file handle for the opened file. return value of -1 indicates an error.

See also: close(), dup(), dup2()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int outp (int port, int data)

Purpose: outputs a single byte of data on port


  • port (the port on device_number to output the data through)
  • data (a single byte (8 bits) of data)

Returns: the data sent if successful, else -1

See also: inp(), inpw(), outpw()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int outpw (int port, int data)

Purpose: outputs a two bytes of data on port


  • port (the port on device_number to output the data through)
  • data (two bytes (16 bits) of data)

Returns: the data sent if successful, else -1

See also: inp(), inpw(), outp()

Platform: DOS and Windows






int pan_win (int test_screen, int speed, int direction)

Purpose: pan a test_screen inside a window


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • speed of movement, in units of 1/100 of deg per second (e.g. 60 = 1 deg/sec)
  • direction of panned motion, in 1/100 of deg of angle (e.g. 1800 = 30 degrees)

Returns: time remaining (a multiple of the refresh rate in milliseconds). Returns 0 when panning done.

See also: Gpan(), GpanABS(), GpanREL(), init_pan(), pan_wkstABS(), pan_wkstREL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void pan_wkstABS (int test_screen, int X_offset, int Y_offset)

Purpose: to have the test_screen's window originate at new absolute coordinates. NOTE: The image moves, but the window stays put. This function is normally used for manual panning of test_screens within windows. It is much easier to use the pan_win() function if possible, since it does all of the size calculations and repositioning itself.


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • X_offset from lower left of test_screen (in 1/100 of deg)
  • Y_offset from lower left of test_screen (in 1/100 of deg)

Returns: nothing

See Also: Gpan(), GpanABS(), GpanREL(), init_pan(), pan_win(), pan_wkstREL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void pan_wkstREL (int test_screen, int X_offset, int Y_offset)

Purpose: to have the test_screen window originate at new absolute coords. NOTE: that the image moves, but the window stays put. This function is normally used for manual panning of test_screen within windows. It is much easier to use the pan_win() function if possible, since it does all of the size calculations and repositioning itself.


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • X_offset from lower left of current position (in 1/100 of deg)
  • Y_offset from lower left of current position (in 1/100 of deg)

Returns: nothing

See also: Gpan(), pan_win(), pan_wkstABS()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void polar2cartesian (float r, float theta, pfloat x, pfloat y)

Purpose: A polar to Cartesian transform which computes the x and y, given the phase angle theta (in degrees) and the magnitude r.


  • r - the magnitude
  • theta - the angle
  • x and y are pointers to the Cartesian coordinates

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


float polar2x (float r, float theta)

Purpose: find x position from polar coordinates, r and theta


  • r - the magnitude
  • theta - the angle

Returns: the Cartesian x coordinate

Platform: DOS and Windows


float polar2y (float r, float theta)

Purpose: find y position from polar coordinates, r and theta


  • r - the magnitude
  • theta - the angle

Returns: the Cartesian y coordinate

Platform: DOS and Windows


float pow (float x, float y)

Purpose: find xy

Returns: floating point power function xy

See also: exp(), log(), log10(), sqrt()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int printf (pchar string)

Purpose: prints a string to the text screen at the current cursor position. Formatting in the string (ie. '\n') behaves as in ANSI C printf() calls. The USER screen must be in text mode for this call to be effective. SCREENmode(MODE_TEXT) will change the screen from graphics mode to text mode. To return the user screen to normal, you must call SCREENmode(MODE_GRAPHICS), followed by SCREENdraw_entire_screen(). printf() will technically print to the screen in MODE_GRAPHICS screen as well as MODE_TEXT, but it will ignore the current graphics and make a mess.


  • string (with a variable number of extra parameters, depending of the formatting of string)

Returns: the number of characters printed, or -1 if there is an error

See Also: printxy(), putchar(), puts(), SCREENmode()

Platform: DOS only


void printxy (pchar string, int column, int row, int attributes)

Purpose: prints a string to the text screen at cursor position (row, column) and with the text attributes (attributes). Formatting in the string (ie. '\n') behaves as in ANSI C printf() calls. The USER screen must be in text mode for this call to be effective. SCREENmode(MODE_TEXT) will change the screen from graphics mode to text mode. To return the user screen to normal, you must call SCREENmode(MODE_GRAPHICS), followed by SCREENdraw_entire_screen(). NOTE: text mode attribute table (add 16 to these values for blinking characters)


  • string (with a variable number of extra parameters, depending of the formatting of string)
  • column, row - location to print
  • attributes - If css_inc.h is included in the timing file, then the following color attributes are recognized: BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, RED, MAGENTA, BROWN, LIGHTGRAY, DARKGRAY, LIGHTBLUE, LIGHTGREEN, LIGHTCYAN, LIGHTRED, LIGHTMAGENTA, YELLOW, WHITE. (In DOS Cortex, add 16 to these values for blinking characters.)

Returns: nothing

?????printxy("Hello CORTEX", 10, 5, (BLUE+16));
?????// BLUE+16 means BLUE + BLINKING
?????// This function will print the string "Hello CORTEX"
?????// at row 5, column 10 on the text screen in blinking blue
?????// letters. (This assumes that you are currently in text mode).

See Also: printf(), putchar(), puts(), SCREENmode()

Platform: DOS only


int putchar (int character)

Purpose: writes a single character to the current position of the cursor on the screen (text mode only).

Returns: the character, if successful; otherwise, it returns EOF if it is an error or an end-of-file condition

See also: printf(), printxy(), puts(), SCREENmode()

Platform: DOS only


int puts (pchar string)

Purpose: writes a string to the current position of the cursor on the screen (text mode only)


  • string Output string

Returns: non-zero if successful, 0 if failed

See also: printf(), printxy(), putchar(), SCREENmode()

Platform: DOS only


void put_eye_data_in_buf (int on_off)

Purpose: starts (on_off=1) or stops (on_off=0) storing the eye movement data in a buffer. NOTE: you must still set the "save eye data" variable in the Run:

Parameters: General menu if you want the eye buffer to be stored to disk (without this the data will be stored just long enough to draw it to screen). If you turn the buffer storage on, it is good form to turn it off before the end of the trial. Also, be sure to call encode() with the correct code for starting/stopping the storage (i.e. encode(START_EYE_DATA) or encode(END_EYE_DATA)). These codes will let the analysis programs know when the eye data started and stopped. The purpose of this function is to allow you to limit saving eye data to just the portion of trial that is relevant. Eye data is always sampled - this function simply saves it to an internal buffer. If you save the buffer to the disk data file, this function will limit the amount of disk space required for saving eye data. NOTE: In previous versions of CORTEX, all eye data was stored to the buffer whether you asked for it or not. The "save eye data" variable must still be set in the menus for the buffer to be written to the disk data file.

Parameters: start or stop ( 1 = start, 0 = stop) e.g. put_eye_data_in_buf(1)

Returns: nothing

See Also: display_eye_path()

Platform: DOS and Windows






int rand()

Purpose: Generates a pseudorandom number between 0 and RAND_MAX (32767). Use the srand() function to seed the pseudorandom-number generator before calling rand. This function is internally seeded inside Cortex, but may be seeded in a timing file with srand(). rand() and srand() are the standard C function for generating a pseduo-random number.

Returns: a pseudorandom number. There is no error return.

See also: srand()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int rand2 ()

Purpose: Generates a pseudorandom number between 0 and RAND_MAX (32767). Use the srand2() function to seed the pseudorandom-number generator before calling rand2. rand2() and srand2() use a different algorithm than rand() and srand(), and may provide better pseudo-random numbers than those obtained from rand() and srand().

Returns: a pseudorandom number. There is no error return.

See also: srand2()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int random (int minimum, int maximum)

Purpose: returns a random number; typically used for randomizing a time interval. (e.g. typical use: set_timer(random(50,100));) This function internally calls srand2(). It provides a way of specifying a maximum and minimum range for the pseudo-random numbers.


  • minimum size of random number.
  • maximum size of random number

Returns: a random integer number between minimum and (maximum-1).

See also: srand2()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int read (int handle, pchar buffer, int count)

Purpose: reads data from a file


  • handle - the file handle of an open file
  • buffer - pointer to previously allocated storage location for incoming information
  • count - number of bytes to read

Returns: number of bytes actually read

See also: open(), write()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar realloc (pchar memory_block, int number_of_bytes)

Purpose: Reallocate memory blocks by changing the size of a currently allocated memory_block to number_of_bytes. Use sizeof() to assess the size of any data type.


  • memory_block - Pointer to previously allocated memory block
  • number_of_bytes - New size in bytes

Returns: a pointer to the first byte in the newly allocated array if succesful, otherwise '\0'.

See Also: calloc(), free(), malloc()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int recent_block_status (int minimum_correct, int last_several_trials)

Purpose: Tells whether at least X of last Y trials were correct.


  • minimum_correct - minimum number of correct trials
  • last_several_trials - number of trials to examine

Returns: 0 if the number correct in the last_several_trials < minimum_correct 1 if the number correct in the last_several_trials minimum_correct -1 if the number of total trials < last_several_trials (indicating an error)

Platform: DOS and Windows


int remove (pchar filename)

Purpose: deletes the file indicated by filename

Parameters: file to remove

Returns: 0 if successful

See also: chdir(),getcwd(), mkdir(), rename(), rmdir()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int rename (pchar oldname, int newname)

Purpose: renames a file or directory from oldname to newname. The old name must be the path of an existing file or directory. The new name must not be the name of an existing file or directory. You can use rename to move a file from one directory or device to another by giving a different path in the newname argument. However, you cannot use rename to move a directory. Directories can be renamed, but not moved.


  • oldname Pointer to old name
  • newname Pointer to new name

Returns: 0 if successful, non-zero on an error

See also: chdir(), getcwd(), mkdir(), remove(), rmdir()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void repeat_block_if_pct_correct (int direction, int limiting_pct)

Purpose: Repeats the current block if its percent correct is greater than or less than an amount.


  • direction - direction of the relational operator. That is, 0 means "<=", and 1 means ">="
  • limiting_pct - a number between 0-10000 to represent the percent correct

Returns: nothing

Example: repeat_block_if_pct_correct(0, 5000) means repeat this block if its percent correct <= 50 percent.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void repeat_cond_if_pct_correct (int direction, int limiting_pct)

Purpose: Repeats the current condition if its percent correct is greater than or less than an amount. Can also be used to unconditionally repeat the condition if an error occurs.


  • direction - direction of the relational operator. That is, 0 means "<=", and 1 means ">="0
  • limiting_pct - a number between 0-10000 to represent the percent correct

Returns: nothing Example: repeat_block_if_pct_correct(0, 5000) means repeat this condition if its percent correct <= 50 percent.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void response_before_test (int response)

Purpose: Records in the response_error field of the trial header, the error code (#7) for a behavioral response before the presentation of the test stimulus (i.e. an aborted trial). Also records in the response field header the code for the response for this trial. The status field in the USER screen will reflect this message. (The expected_response field of the header gets set during the trial from the value under the TRIAL_TYPE heading of the conditions file.)


  • response (one of the following):

#: Meaning

14: ON_OFF

Platform: DOS and Windows


void response_correct (int response)

Purpose: Records in the response_error field of the trial header, the error code (#0) for a correct behavioral response. Also records in the response field header the code for the response for this trial. The status field in the USER screen will reflect this message. (The expected_response field of the header gets set during the trial from the value under the TRIAL_TYPE heading of the conditions file.)


Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void response_early (int response)

Purpose: Records in the response_error field of the trial header the code (#5) for behavioral response earlier than expected (used, for instance, when the subject anticipates the stimulus). Also records in the response field header the code for the response for this trial. The status field in the USER screen will reflect this message. (The expected_response field of the header gets set during the trial from the value under the TRIAL_TYPE heading of the conditions file.)


Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void response_late (int response)

Purpose: Records in the response_error field of the trial header the code (#2) for a behavioral response later than expected (used, for instance, to see if the monkey is responding too slowly to a stimulus). Also records in the response field header the code for the response for this trial. The status field in the USER screen will reflect this message. (The expected_response field of the header gets set during the trial from the value under the TRIAL_TYPE heading of the conditions file.)


Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void response_missing (int response)

Purpose: Records in the response_error field of the trial header the code (#1) for the absence of any behavioral response in the trial. Also records in the response field header the code for the response for this trial. The status field in the USER screen will reflect this message. (The expected_response field of the header gets set during the trial from the value under the TRIAL_TYPE heading of the conditions file.)


Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void response_no_bar_down (int response)

Purpose: Records in the response_error field of the trial header the code for a response of no bar down at the start of the trial. Also records in the response field header the code for the response for this trial. The status field in the USER screen will reflect this message.? (The expected_response field of the header gets set during the trial from the value under the TRIAL_TYPE heading of the conditions file.)


Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void response_wrong (int response)

Purpose: Records in the response_error field of the trial header the code (#6) for an unexpected or incorrect response (i.e.: a left response on a trial when right was expected). Also records in the response field header the code for the response for this trial. The status field in the USER screen will reflect this message.? (The expected_response field of the header gets set during the trial from the value under the TRIAL_TYPE heading of the conditions file.)


Retunrs: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void reward ()

Purpose: gives the subject a reward (assumes that the solenoid is connected as specified in the Cortex User's Manual).

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int rmdir (pchar dirname)

Purpose: deletes the directory indicated by dirname. The directory must be empty and must not be either the current working directory or the root directory.


  • dirname Path of directory to be removed

Returns: 0 if successfully deleted. A return value of -1 indicates an error.l

See also: chdir(), rename(), mkdir()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int run_movie (int test_screen, int direction)

Purpose: starts the movie running


  • test_screen (0 = TEST0, 1 = TEST1, ...)
  • direction of movement (0 = forwards, 1 = backwards)

Returns: number of milliseconds left (a multiple of the refresh rate; 0 when finished). Turns the move off and waits for it to disappear when finished.

See also: init_movie(),

Platform: DOS and Windows






_stricmp (note underscore)



int scanf (pchar string)

Purpose: Read formatted data from the standard input stream. Formatting in the string (ie. '\n') behaves as in ANSI C scanf() calls.


  • string (with a variable number of extra parameters, depending of the formatting of string)

Returns: the number of characters successfully read. The return value is EOF for an error or if the end-of-file character or the end-of-string character is encountered in the first attempt to read a character.

Platform: DOS only


void SCREENcalc_fixwin (void)

Purpose: Draw boundaries and crosshairs of active eyewindow on screen

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SCREENdraw_box_on_eog (float centx, float centy, float width, float height, int color)

Purpose: Draw a box of the given size and color on the eog area of the user's screen.


  • centx - x coordinate of the center of the box, in degrees of visual angle
  • centy - y coordinate of the center of the box, in degrees of visual angle
  • width - width of the box, in degrees of visual angle
  • height - width of the box, in degrees of visual angle
  • color - the color of the box to be drawn. If css_inc.h is included in the timing file, then the following color values are recognized: BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, RED, MAGENTA, BROWN, LIGHTGRAY, DARKGRAY, LIGHTBLUE, LIGHTGREEN, LIGHTCYAN, LIGHTRED, LIGHTMAGENTA, YELLOW, WHITE

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SCREENdraw_entire_screen ()

Purpose: draws the entire USER screen (when it is in graphics mode). This is useful when returning from text mode to graphics mode (ie. with a call to SCREENmode(MODE_GRAPHICS)). In that case, the screen will be blank, so the histograms, rasters, etc. need to be redrawn.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

See also: SCREENmode()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SCREENdraw_eye_path (int show)

Purpose: Draw the path on the user screen of the eye movement, up to a given point in a trial. Also, called from within display_eye_path() function.


  • show - show or erase the eye path (1 = show, 0 = erase)

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SCREENdraw_fixwin (int color)

Purpose: Draw the fixation window on the user screen, in the specified color.


  • color - the color of the box to be drawn. If css_inc.h is included in the timing file, then the following color values are recognized: BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, RED, MAGENTA, BROWN, LIGHTGRAY, DARKGRAY, LIGHTBLUE, LIGHTGREEN, LIGHTCYAN, LIGHTRED, LIGHTMAGENTA, YELLOW, WHITE

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SCREENdraw_histograms ()

Purpose: Draw the histograms on the user screen.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SCREENdraw_raster_tables ()

Purpose: Draw the raster tables on the user screen.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SCREENerase_histograms ()

Purpose: Erase the histograms. This function only erases the graph. The tik marks remain until the rasters are cleared.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SCREENerase_rasters ()

Purpose: Clears the rasters and the entire histogram, including the tiks.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SCREENerase_raster_tables ()

Purpose: Erase the raster tables.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SCREENmode (int mode)

Purpose: Sets the mode of the USER screen to text (mode=1) or graphics (mode=0). This is useful if there is user interaction during a trial with keyboard input (text mode is best here), then reset the USER screen to graphics mode (followed by a call to SCREENdraw_entire_screen()) when histograms/eye- position data need to be supervised.


  • mode - MODE_TEXT for text mode, MODE_GRAPHICS for graphics mode (must #include "css_inc.h")

Returns: nothing

See also: SCREENdraw_entire_screen()

Platform: DOS only


void SCREENshow_eye_path ()

Purpose: Draws the path on the user screen of the eye movement, up to a given point in a trial. When the function is called, the user screen will only display the EOG window. Cortex will wait for the user to press any key to display the eye path. When the user presses another key, the eye path will be erased. To return the user screen to normal, you must call SCREENmode(MODE_GRAPHICS), followed by SCREENdraw_entire_screen(). SCREENshow_eye_path() function is actually the function that is called internally by Cortex when eye_Trail is chosen from the menu.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SCREENupdate_eye_pos (int x, int y)

Purpose: Updates the eye position on the user screen. This function should not need to be called in the timing file, since this operation is done automatically by Cortex. The style of the dots is determined by the EOG_STYLE setting in the Cortex.cfg file.


  • x - the x coordinate of the eye position
  • y - the y coordinate of the eye position

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SCREENuser_display(int on_off)

Purpose: Turns the user display off or on, so that the display can be turned it off without setting the MONITOR_TYPE parameter in Cortex.cfg to NONE. This same functionality can also be accomplished with the "User Graphical Display on?" setting in the Run:

Parameters:General menu option.


  • on_off - turn the display on (1) or off (0)

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS only


int scroll_win (int test_screen, int speed, int direction)

Purpose: scroll a test_screen across the screen. Unlike sweep(), the motion starts at the item location rather than offset from the center of motion. The init_scroll() function must be called first.


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • speed of scrolling, in units of 1/100 of deg per second (e.g. 100 = 1 deg/sec)
  • direction of motion, in 1/100 of deg of angle (e.g. 100 = 1 deg)

Returns: time remaining (in milliseconds; a multiple of the refresh rate). returns 0 when scrolling is done.

See also: Gscroll(), init_scroll(), scroll_win_with_fix()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int scroll_win_with_fix (int test_screen, int speed, int direction)

Purpose: scroll a test_screen across the screen. Unlike sweep(), the motion starts at the item location rather than offset from the center of motion. The fixspot tracks the scrolling, but it need not be centered on same point. The init_scroll() function must be called first.


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
  • speed of scrolling, in units of 1/100 of deg per second (e.g. 100 = 1 deg/sec)
  • direction of motion, in 1/100 of deg of angle (e.g. 100 = 1 deg)

Returns: time remaining (in milliseconds; a multiple of the refresh rate). Returns 0 when scrolling is done.

See also: Gscroll(), init_scroll(), scroll_win()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int Serial_Close ()

Purpose: Closes the serial port that was opened with the Serial_Open() function.

Parameters: none

Returns: 1 if successful, otherwise it returns 0.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void Serial_Flush ()

Purpose: Flushes out the serial buffer, for the serial port that was opened with the Serial_Open() function.

Parameters: none

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


int Serial_Open (int port_base, int baud, int configuration)

Purpose: Opens the specified serial port for communication. After the port has been successfully opened, the other Serial_*() functions can be used.


  • port_base - the base address of the port to be opened. Must use one of the following defined macro names for this parameter (and #include "css_inc.h"):

  • ????COM_1 which is equivalent to 0x3F8 (the base port address of port 0)
    ????COM_2 which is equivalent to 0x2F8 (the base port address of port 1)
    ????COM_3 which is equivalent to 0x3E8 (the base port address of port 2)
    ????COM_4 which is equivalent to 0x2E8 (the base port address of port 3)
  • baud - the baud rate divisor for the port to be opened. Must use one of the following defined macro names for this parameter (and #include "css_inc.h"):

  • ????SERIAL_BAUD_1200 which is equivalent to a baud rate divisor of 96
    ????SERIAL_BAUD_2400 which is equivalent to a baud rate divisor of 48
    ????SERIAL_BAUD_4800 which is equivalent to a baud rate divisor of 24
    ????SERIAL_BAUD_9600 which is equivalent to a baud rate divisor of 12
    ????SERIAL_BAUD_19200 which is equivalent to a baud rate divisor of 6
    ????SERIAL_BAUD_38400 which is equivalent to a baud rate divisor of 3
    ????SERIAL_BAUD_57600 which is equivalent to a baud rate divisor of 2
    ????SERIAL_BAUD_115200 which is equivalent to a baud rate divisor of 1
  • configuration - set how the port should be configured (stop_bits | send_bits | parity). Must use the following defined macro names for this parameter (and #include "css_inc.h"):

  • for the stop bits:
    ????SERIAL_STOP_1 - configure port for 1 stop bit per character
    ????SERIAL_STOP_2 - configure port for 2 stop bits per character

    for the send bits:
    ????SERIAL_BITS_5 - configure port for sending 5 bit characters
    ????SERIAL_BITS_6 - configure port for sending 6 bit characters
    ????SERIAL_BITS_7 - configure port for sending 7 bit characters
    ????SERIAL_BITS_8 - configure port for sending 8 bit characters

    for the parity:
    ????SERIAL_PARITY_NONE - configure port for no parity
    ????SERIAL_PARITY_ODD - configure port for odd parity
    ????SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN - configure port for even parity

Returns: 1 if successful, otherwise 0 if an error.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void Serial_Print (pchar string)

Purpose: Write a string to the serial port that was opened with the Serial_Open() function. The string may contain standard C formatting codes, such as '\n'.


  • string - the string to be printed.

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


int Serial_Read ()

Purpose: Reads a byte from the port that was opened with Serial_Open(), if there is a byte waiting in the buffer.

Parameters: none

Returns: the byte that was read, if successful; otherwise, it returns a -1

Platform: DOS and Windows


int Serial_Ready ()

Purpose: Checks the buffer of the serial port that was opened with Serial_Open() to see if there is a character waiting to be read.

Parameters: none

Returns: 1 if there are any characters waiting to be read, or a 0 if the buffer is empty.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int Serial_SetPortHardware (int standard_port_addr, int new_port_addr, int new_IRQ)

Purpose: changes the COM port's address to a non-standard IRQ and/or address. The standard_port_addr must be given, since the underlying GreenLeaf communications library functions require this as a parameter. In the timing file, the call to Serial_SetPortHardware() MUST be followed by a call to Serial_Open(), where the standard_port_addr is given as the parameter for the "port_base".


  • standard_port_addr - the standard address for the port (as defined in \cortex\source\include\serial.h)
    • standard_port_addr for COM1 is 0x3F8
    • standard_port_addr for COM2 is 0x2F8
    • standard_port_addr for COM3 is 0x3E8
    • standard_port_addr for COM4 is 0x2E8
  • new_port_addr - the new address to be assigned to the port
  • new_IRQ - the new IRQ to be assigned to the port

Returns: 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void Serial_Write (char ch)

Purpose: Writes one byte to the port that was opened with Serial_Open().


  • ch - byte to be written

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void set_CLT_load_index (int CLT_number)

Purpose: sets the color lookup table index (default is 0). This function refers to which LUT will be used (CORTEX has the ability to load multiple LUTs at a single time) and the term "index" does not refer to a specific index within an LUT.


  • CLT_number (0-255)

Returns: nothing.

See also: GcolorABS(), GcolorLUT(), GcolorREL(), ITEM_POSlut_index(), load_CLT(), set_colorABS(), set_colorREL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void set_CODEbuf (int index, int value)

Purpose: sets the CODEbuf value at the given index.

Parameters: new value for CODEbuf at the given index

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_CODE_ISImax (int value)

Purpose: sets the current CODE_ISImax value.

Parameters: new value for CODE_ISImax

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_CODE_ISIoverflow (int value)

Purpose: sets the current CODE_ISIoverflow value.

Parameters: new value for CODE_ISIoverflow

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_CODE_ISIsize (int value)

Purpose: sets the current CODE_ISIsize value.

Parameters: new value for CODE_ISIsize

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_colorABS (int index, int red, int green, int blue)

Purpose: resets the color lookup table one color at a time by changing a single value within a color lookup table. To find out which index of the current color lookup table contains the color information for the desired item, call ITEM_POSlut_index(). This function operates immediately and does not wait for the screen refresh (unlike GcolorABS()).


  • index - index within color LUT [use ITEM_POSlut_index()]
  • red (0-255)
  • green (0-255)
  • blue (0-255)

Returns: nothing.

See also: GcolorABS(), GcolorLUT(), GcolorREL(), ITEM_POSlut_index(), load_CLT(), set_CLT_load_index(), set_colorREL()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void set_colorREL (int index, int added_red, int added_green, int added_blue)

Purpose: resets the color of an item one color lookup table index at a time by changing a single value within a color lookup table. Adds the values added_red, added_green, and added_blue to the current values for that entry in the color lookup table. To find out which index of the current color lookup table contains the color information for the desired item, call ITEM_POSlut_index(). This function operates immediately and does not wait for the screen refresh (unlike GcolorREL()).


  • index - index within color LUT [use ITEM_POSlut_index()]
  • added_red - offset from the current red value, can be positive or negative
  • added_green - offset from the current green value, can be positive or negative
  • added_blue - offset from the current blue value, can be positive or negative

See also: GcolorABS(), GcolorLUT(), GcolorREL(), ITEM_POSlut_index(), load_CLT(), set_CLT_load_index(), set_colorABS()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void set_EOGbuf (int index, int value)

Purpose: sets the EOGbuf value at the given index.

Parameters: new value for EOGbuf at the given index

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EOGdynamic_fixwin_size (int value)

Purpose: sets the current params.dynamic_eyewin_size value.

Parameters: new value for params.dynamic_eyewin_size

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EOGfixwin_size_x (float value)

Purpose: sets the current params.window_x value.

parameters: new value for params.window_x

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EOGfixwin_size_y (float value)

Purpose: sets the current params.window_y value.

Parameters: new value for params.window_y

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EOGgain (int value)

Purpose: sets the current params.eog_gain value.

Parameters: new value for params.eog_gain

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EOGmax (int value)

Purpose: sets the current EOGmax value.

Parameters: new value for EOGmax

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EOGnew_x (int value)

Purpose: sets the current EOGnew_x value.

Parameters: new value for EOGnew_x

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EOGnew_y (int value)

Purpose: sets the current EOGnew_y value.

Parameters: new value for EOGnew_y

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EOGoffset_x (int value)

Purpose: sets the current params.eog_xoffset value.

Parameters: new value for params.eog_xoffset

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EOGoffset_y (int value)

Purpose: sets the current params.eog_yoffset value.

Parameters: new value for params.eog_yoffset

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EOGoverflow (int value)

Purpose: sets the current EOGoverflow value.

Parameters: new value for EOGoverflow

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EOGsaccade (float value)

Purpose: sets the current value.

Parameters: new value for

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EOGsize (int value)

Purpose: sets the current EOGsize value.

Parameters: new value for EOGsize

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EPPbuf (int index, int value)

Purpose: sets the EPPbuf value at the given index.

Parameters: new value for EPPbuf at the given index

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EPPmax (int value)

Purpose: sets the current EPPmax value.

Parameters: new value for EPPmax

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EPPnew_x (int value)

Purpose: sets the current EPPnew_x value.

Parameters: new value for EPPnew_x

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EPPnew_y (int value)

Purpose: sets the current EPPnew_y value.

Parameters: new value for EPPnew_y

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EPPoverflow (int value)

Purpose: sets the current EPPoverflow value.

Parameters: new value for EPPoverflow

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_EPPsize (int value)

Purpose: sets the current EPPsize value.

Parameters: new value for EPPsize

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void? set_expected_response (int error_num)

Purpose: sets the value of the expected_response field to the value error_num in the header in the Cortex output data file.


  • error_num - value to be used

Returns: nothing.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void set_fixwin_params (int static_or_dynamic, float horizontal_extent, float vertical_extent)

Purpose: The fixation window is the window which is compared to the eye_spot in the calls get_fixation_state(), get_saccade_state(), and ITEM_POSeye_ishere(BOUND_FIXWIN,...). The size of the fixation window can either be static (based on windowX, and windowY values found in the RUN:

PARAMETERS:GENERAL menu), or dynamic (set as the size of the fixation point item drawn on the screen). This function lets you specify dynamic vs. static nature of the fixation window with the static_or_dynamic argument, and sets the horizontal_extent and vertical_extent of the fixation window if static, which updates the windowX and windowY fields of the RUN:

PARAMETERS:GENERAL menu. Since updating the fixation window on the USER screen can take a long period of time (in terms of computing speed) and the static_or_dynamic toggle may need to be changed quickly, you may want to speed things up by bypassing this function altogether and setting the ExternVars EOGfixwin_size_x, EOGfixwin_size_y, and EOGdynamic_fixwin_size instead (which is a more direct but less organized way of adjusting the fixation window size).


  • static_or_dynamic (static = 0, dynamic = 1)
  • horizontal_extent (in degrees of visual angle. Only applies when static_or_dynamic = 0. Ignored otherwise)
  • vertical_extent (in degrees of visual angle. Only applies when static_or_dynamic = 0. Ignored otherwise)

Returns: nothing

See also: get_fixation_state(), get_saccade_state(), ITEM_POSbind_fixspot(), ITEM_POSeye_ishere(), move_eye_window(), move_fixspot()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void set_ISIbuf (int index, long value)

Purpose: sets the ISIbuf value at the given index.

Parameters: new value for ISIbuf at the given index

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_keep_current_conds (int value)

Purpose: sets the current params.keep_current_conds value.

Parameters: new value for params.keep_current_conds

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_ms_reward_duration (int value)

Purpose: sets the current params.ms_reward_duration value.

Parameters: new value for params.ms_reward_duration

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_random_interval (int minimum, int maximum, int step_interval)

Purpose: randomly set timer to count-down from a number which is between minimum and maximum in steps of step_interval. For example, set_random_interval(100, 1000, 200) would set the timer for either 100, 300, 500, 700, or 900 milliseconds, randomly).


  • minimum - minimum time, in milliseconds
  • maximum - maximum time, in milliseconds
  • step_interval - intervals between min and max, in milliseconds

Returns: nothing.

See also: MS_TIMERset(), set_random_timer(), set_timer()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void set_random_timer (int maximum)

Purpose: sets a random timer for timing some event, up to maximum number of milliseconds. Normally followed with get_timer()

Parameters: maximum time of random interval, in milliseconds.

Returns: nothing.

See also: MS_TIMERset(), set_random_interval(), set_timer()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void? set_response (int error_num)

Purpose: sets the value of the response field to the value error_num in the header of the Cortex output data file.

Parameters: error_num - value to be used

Returns: nothing.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void? set_response_error (int error_num)

Purpose: sets the value of the response_error field to the value error_num in the header of the Cortex output data file. Also, displays this value in the status area of the user screen in the "trial status" field.

Parameters: error_num - value to be used

Returns: nothing.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void set_saccade_tolerance (long min_ms_between, float x, float y)

Purpose: Setup parameters for saccade testing.


  • min_ms_between - minimum milliseconds between saccade tests. Set it to 0 for no checking.
  • x - x tolerance in dva
  • y - y tolerance in dva

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


void set_timer (int time)

Purpose: sets a timer to time milliseconds. Normally followed with get_timer();

Parameters: time, in milliseconds.

Returns: nothing.

See also: MS_TIMERset(), set_random_interval(), set_random_timer()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void set_TIMER100us_counter (long value)

Purpose: sets the current TIMER100us_counter value.

Parameters: new value for TIMER100us_counter

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void set_TIMERms_counter (long value)

Purpose: sets the current TIMERms_counter value.

Parameters: new value for the TIMERms_counter

Returns: nothing

Platform: Windows only


void? set_trial_type (int number)

Purpose: internally resets the trial type that was read from the TRIAL_TYPE column of the conditions file to the value number. (It is not changed in the conditions file.) This value is stored in the header of the Cortex output data file as the expected_response.

Parameters: number - value to be used

Returns: nothing.

Platform: DOS and Windows


float sin (float value)

Purpose: find the sine of a float value


  • value Angle in radians

Returns: the sine of value.

See also: acos(), asin(), atan(), atan2(), cos(), cosh(), sinh(), tan(), tanh()

Platform: DOS and Windows


float sinh (float value)

Purpose: find the hyperbolic sine of value


  • value Angle in radians

Returns: the hyperbolic sine of value.

See also: acos(), asin(), atan(), atan2(), cos(), cosh(), sin(), tan(), tanh()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int SMENUrun (int yorg, char *select, char type, char bounds, void *item, int min, int max)

Purpose: Prompts the user to enter a certain parameter.


  • yorg - specifies the line on the screen where the text should appear
  • select - string containing the message which will be displayed to the user
  • type - type of the parameter to be input (must use the PMENU_ definitions from css_inc.h)
  • bounds -specifies the bounds values that one may use (must use the PMENU_ definitions from css_inc.h)
  • item - the variable that will hold the value to be set
  • min -minimun length of the queried parameter
  • max - maximum length of the queried parameter

Returns: whether or not the original value was changed by the user. If SMENUrun() returns a 0, the value has not been changed from its original setting. If SMENUrun() returns a 1, the value has been changed.

Platform: DOS only


int SOUNDload(int i, pchar soundfile)

Purpose: causes the sound file to be loaded as sound number i (0 - 255) and readied to play. This function is only available for two-computer Cortex.


  • i - number to be associated with the sound file. Can be a value between 0 and 255.
  • soundfile - file name of the sound file.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int SOUNDplay (int i, [int looping])

Purpose: plays the loaded sound file. If using the DirectX receive program, the looping parameter is used to specify whether to play the wave file once (0), or to keep playing it continously (1) until SOUNDstop() is called. The Scitech receive program can not use the looping parameter. This function is only available for two-computer Cortex.


  • i - number that was associated with the file by calling SOUNDload(). Can be a value between 0 and 255.
  • looping - parameter which specifies (in the DirectX receive version only) whether to play the .wav file once or to loop continuously until SOUNDstop() is called. 0 specifies to play the file once, 1 specifies to play the file continuously.

Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if not. Note: The SOUNDplay() call internally invokes the same code as SOUNDprep() and SOUNDstart(). Therefore, if you use SOUNDplay(), you do not need to call SOUNDprep() or SOUNDstart().

Platform: DOS and Windows


int SOUNDprep (int i)

Purpose: prepares sound number i to be started. This function is only available for two-computer Cortex.

Parameters: i - number that was associated with the file by calling SOUNDload(). Can be a value between 0 and 255.

Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if not. Note: The SOUNDplay() call internally invokes the same code as SOUNDprep() and SOUNDstart(). Therefore, if you use SOUNDplay(), you do not need to call SOUNDprep() or SOUNDstart().

Platform: DOS and Windows


int SOUNDstart(int i, int looping)

Purpose: starts a sound i that has already been prepared with SOUNDprep(). If using the DirectX receive program, the looping parameter is used to specify whether to play the wave file once (0), or to keep playing it continously (1) until SOUNDstop() is called. The Scitech receive program can not use the looping parameter. This function is only available for two-computer Cortex.


  • i - number that was associated with the file by calling SOUNDload(). Can be a value between 0 and 255.
  • looping - parameter which specifies (in the DirectX receive version only) whether to play the .wav file once or to loop continuously until SOUNDstop() is called. 0 specifies to play the file once, 1 specifies to play the file continuously.

Returns: 1 if succesful, 0 if not. Note: The SOUNDplay() call internally invokes the same code as SOUNDprep() and SOUNDstart(). Therefore, if you use SOUNDplay(), you do not need to call SOUNDprep() or SOUNDstart().

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SOUNDstop (int i)

Purpose: stops the sound from playing. For the Scitech version, only one sound can be played at a time, so you do not need to specify the sound number. For the DirectX version, multiple sounds can be played at the same time, so you must specify the number that is to be stopped. . This function is only available for two-computer Cortex.


  • i - number that was associated with the file by calling SOUNDload(). Can be a value between 0 and 255. (Only used in this function with the DirectX version of Cortex.)

Returns: nothing.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void SOUNDvol (int left, int right, int i)

Purpose: sets the left and right mixer volume in each speaker (valid values, 0-31). For the Scitech version, this call sets the parameters for all sounds. For the DirectX version, the volume can be set for each sound. Therefore, you must specify the sound number i. . This function is only available for two-computer Cortex.


  • left - mixer volume for the left speaker. Valid values are 0 - 31, where 0 is low volume and 31 is high volume.
  • right - mixer volume for the right speaker. Valid values are 0 - 31, where is low volume and 31 is high volume.
  • i - number that was associated with the file by calling SOUNDload(). Can be a value between 0 and 255. (Only used in this function with the DirectX version of Cortex.)

Returns: nothing

Platform: DOS and Windows


int sprintf (pchar string)

Purpose: formats and stores a series of characters and values in string, into buffer. Formatting in the string (ie. '\n') behaves as in ANSI C printf() calls. A null character is added to the end of the characters written, but not counted in the return value. See a standard C library reference for further help.


  • buffer - Storage location for output
  • string - format control string and arguments

Returns: the number of bytes stored in string, not counting the terminating null character.

See also: printf()

Platform: DOS and Windows


float sqrt (float value)

Returns: the square root of value

See Also: pow()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void srand (unsigned int seed)

Purpose: Sets the seed value for the rand() function. rand() and srand() are the standard C function for generating a pseudo-random number.


  • seed - Seed for random-number generation

long current;
srand( time( & current ) );

Returns: nothing

See also: rand()

Platform: DOS and Windows


void srand2 (unsigned int seed)

Purpose: Sets the seed value for the random() and rand2() functions. rand2() and srand2() use a different algorithm than rand() and srand(), and may provide better pseudo-random numbers than those obtained from rand() and srand().


  • seed - Seed for random-number generation

long current;
srand2( time( & current ) );

Returns: nothing

See also: random(), rand2()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int sscanf (pchar buffer, pchar string)

Purpose: reads data from buffer into the location given by each argument in string. See a standard C library reference for further help.


  • buffer - holds the string of data
  • string - format control string and arguments

Returns: the number of fields successfully converted and assigned A return value of 0 indicates that no fields were assigned.

Platform: DOS and Windows


void start_trial (int bin_width)

Purpose: initializes the spike input flip flops and sets the bin_width (in ms) for the on-line cumulative histogram display (divide length of trial by 256 bins).

Parameters: binwidth, in milliseconds.

Returns: nothing.

See also: end_trial()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar strcat (pchar string1, pchar string2)

Purpose: appends string2 to string1 and terminates the resultant string with a Null character ('\0').


  • string1 Null-terminated destination string
  • string2 Null-terminated source string

Returns: pointer to the concatenated string

See Also: strchr(), strcmp(), strcpy()

Platform: DOS and Windows



pchar strchr (pchar string, int character)

Purpose: Find a character in a string.


  • string Null-terminated source string
  • character Character to be located

Returns: pointer to the character within string

See Also: strcat(), strcmp(), strcpy(), strchr(), strstr()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int strcmp (pchar string1, pchar string2)

Purpose: compares string2 to string1 lexicographically.


  • string1, string2 Null-terminated strings to compare

Returns: <0 if string1 < string2
0 if string1 = string2
0 if string1 string2

See also: strcat(), strcmp(), strcpy(), strchr()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar strcpy (pchar string1, pchar string2)

Purpose: copies string2 to string1. Enough space for string1 must have been previously allocated (unlike strdup()).


  • string1 Destination string
  • string2 Null-terminated source string

Returns: returns string1

See also: strcat(), strcmp(), strchr(), strdup()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar strdup (pchar string)

Purpose: allocates storage space for a duplicate of string and returns it a pointer to the storage space

Parameters: Null-terminated source string

Returns: returns a pointer to the new storage space filled with a duplicate of string

See also: strcat(), strcmp(), strcpy(), strchr()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int _stricmp (pchar string1, pchar string2) {Note underscore in the name} 

Purpose: Perform a lowercase comparison of strings.


  • string1, string2 Null-terminated strings to compare

Returns: indicates the relation of string1 to string2 as follows.

  • <0 if string1 less than string2
  • 0 if string1 identical to string2
  • >0 if string1 greater than string2

Platform: DOS and Windows


int strlen (pchar string)

Purpose: Get the length of a string.


  • string Null-terminated string

Returns: the length of string

See also: strstr()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar strncat (pchar strDest, pchar strSource, int count)

Purpose: Append characters of a string.


  • strDest - Null-terminated destination string
  • strSource - Null-terminated source string
  • count - Number of characters to append

Returns: a pointer to the destination string.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int strncmp (pchar string1, pchar string2, int count)

Purpose: Compare characters of two strings.


  • string1, string2 - Strings to compare
  • count - Number of characters to compare

Returns: The return value indicates the relation of the substrings of string1 and string2 as follows.

  • <0 if string1 substring less than string2 substring
  • 0 if string1 substring identical to string2 substring
  • >0 if string1 substring greater than string2 substring

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar strncpy (pchar strDest, pchar strSource, int count)

Purpose: Copy characters of one string to another.


  • strDest - Destination string
  • strSource - Source string
  • count - Number of characters to be copied

Returns: the destination string, strDest.

Platform: DOS and Windows


>pchar strpbrk (pchar string, pchar strCharSet)

Purpose: Scan strings for characters in specified character sets.


  • string - Null-terminated, searched string
  • strCharSet - Null-terminated character set

Returns: a pointer to the first occurrence of any character from strCharSet in string, or a NULL pointer if the two string arguments have no characters in common.

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar strrchr (pchar string, int c)

Purpose: Scan a string for the last occurrence of a character.


  • string - Null-terminated string to search
  • c - Character to be located

Returns: a pointer to the last occurrence of c in string, or NULL if c is not found.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int strspn (pchar string, pchar strCharSet)

Purpose: Find the first substring.


  • string - Null-terminated string to search
  • strCharSet - Null-terminated character set

Returns: an integer value specifying the length of the substring in string that consists entirely of characters in strCharSet. If string begins with a character not in strCharSet, the function returns 0.

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar strstr (pchar string1, pchar string2)

Purpose: Find a substring.


  • string1 - Null-terminated string to search
  • string2 - Null-terminated string to search for

Returns: a pointer to the first occurrence of string2 in string1 or NULL if string2 does not appear in string1.

See also: strcat(), strcmp(), strcpy(), strchr()

Platform: DOS and Windows


pchar strtok (pchar strToken, pchar strDelimit)

Purpose: Find the next token in a string.


  • strToken - String containing token(s)
  • strDelimit - Set of delimiter characters

Returns: a pointer to the next token found in strToken. It returns NULL when no more tokens are found. Each call modifies strToken by substituting a NULL character for each delimiter that is encountered.

Platform: DOS and Windows


int sweep_win (int test_screen)

Purpose: sweeps a test_screen for the initialized (using init_sweep()) time, direction of motion, and speed. Unlike the pan function, the center of the sweep will be at the window location and the start of the sweep will be appropriate for the direction of motion. Because this call requires an initial call to init_sweep(), it has been replaced by Gsweep().


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")

Returns: time remaining (in milliseconds; a multiple of the refresh rate). Returns 0 when sweep done.

See also: Gsweep(), init_sweep(), sweep_win_with_fix()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int sweep_win_with_fix (int test_screen)

Purpose: sweeps a test_screen for the initialized (using init_sweep()) time, direction of motion, and speed. Unlike the pan function, the center of the sweep will be at the window location and the start of the sweep will be appropriate for the direction of motion. Fixspot tracks scroll (but need not be centered on same point).


  • test_screen (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")

Returns: time remaining (in milliseconds; a multiple of the refresh rate). Returns 0 when sweep done.

See also: Gsweep(), init_sweep(), sweep_win()

Platform: DOS and Windows


int system (pchar DOS_command)

Purpose: executes DOS_command as an operating system command


  • command Command to be executed

Returns: 0 if successful

Platform: DOS and Windows


time TIMERadd



float tan (float value)

Purpose: find the tangent of a value


  • x Angle in radians

Returns: tangent of value

See also: acos(), asin(), atan(), atan2(), cos(), cosh(), sin(), sinh(), tanh()

Platform: DOS and Windows


float tanh (float value)

Purpose: Calculate the hyperbolic tangent (tanh).


  • x Angle in radians

    Returns: the hyperbolic tangent of value.

    See also: acos(), asin(), atan(), atan2(), cos(), cosh(), sin(), sinh(), tan()

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    long tell (int handle)

    Purpose: reports the current position of the file pointer within the file referred to by handle


    • handle Handle referring to open file

    Returns: current position of the file pointer from the beginning of the file in bytes

    See also: lseek()

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    long THREADadd (int class, int ms_tiks, long max_count, void (*fn)(void))

    Purpose: Add a user-defined thread.


    • class - type of thread (refer to the THREAD_ definitions in \source\css.h)
    • ms_tiks - number of milliseconds between executions of the thread
    • max_count - the number of times for the thread to run. Zero means that it should run forever. Any other number specifies the number of times it should run before it is deleted
    • fn - function to be called when the thread executes

    Returns: The id of the thread

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int THREADdel (long id)

    Purpose: Delete a user-defined thread.


    • id - thread id of the thread to be deleted. The thread id is returned by the THREADadd function.

    Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if unsuccessful

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int THREADrun (int class)

    Purpose: Run a user-defined thread.


    • class - type of thread (refer to the THREAD_ definitions in \source\css.h)

    Returns: The number of threads executed of this class.

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int THREADstart_seqs ()

    Purpose: Runs threads of all the different types.

    Parameters: none

    Returns: The number of threads executed.

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    void THREADstop_seqs ()

    Purpose: Stops and removes all interrupt threads. Internally, calls TIMERpurge().

    Parameters: none

    Returns: nothing

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    long time (plong timer)

    Purpose: Returns the number of seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970, according to the system clock. The return value is stored in the location given by timer. This function is useful for providing a value for seeding the random number function.


    • timer - the time

    Returns: The time in elapsed seconds. There is no error return.

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int TIMERadd (int ms_tiks, long max_count, void (*fn)(void))

    Purpose: Add a thread of type TIMER_THREAD.


    • ms_tiks - number of milliseconds between executions of the thread
    • max_count - the number of times for the thread to run. Zero means that it should run forever. Any other number specifies the number of times it should run before it is deleted
    • fn - function to be called when the thread executes

    Returns: The id of the thread, if successful. Otherwise, it returns a 0.

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int TIMERaddCSSfn (int ms_tiks, long max_count, int css_start)

    Purpose: Add a thread of type TIMER_THREAD containing a Cortex system function.


    • ms_tiks - number of milliseconds between executions of the thread
    • max_count - the number of times for the thread to run. Zero means that it should run forever. Any other number specifies the number of times it should run before it is deleted
    • css_start - CSSFN starting index of the function to be run

    Returns: The id of the thread, if successful. Otherwise, it returns a 0.

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int TIMERaddINT (int ms_tiks, long max_count, void (*thread)(void))

    Purpose: Add a thread of type TIMER_INT08.


    • ms_tiks - number of milliseconds between executions of the thread
    • max_count - the number of times for the thread to run. Zero means that it should run forever. Any other number specifies the number of times it should run before it is deleted
    • thread - function to be called when the thread executes

    Returns: The id of the thread, if successful. Otherwise, it returns a 0.

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int TIMERchange_rate (int id, int new_ms_tiks)

    Purpose: Change the rate of the thread.


    • id - thread id
    • new_ms_tiks - new number of milliseconds between executions of the thread

    Returns: 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int TIMERdel (int id)

    Purpose: Delete a user-defined thread.


    • id - id of the thread to be deleted

    Returns: 1 if successful, otherwise 0.

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    long TIMERget_count (int id)

    Purpose: Returns the number of times that a particular thread is actually run.


    • id - thread id

    Returns: The number of times that a thread is run.

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    long TIMERget_ms_count ()

    Purpose: Returns the current trial time which is held in the global variable, TIMERms_counter

    Parameters: none

    Returns: The value of TIMERms_counter.

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    void TIMERpurge ()

    Purpose: Kills all timer threads, but doesn't free malloced space for them.

    Parameters: none

    Returns: nothing

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int TIMERstart_clock (int speed_class)

    Purpose: Starts the interrupt timer running.


    • speed_class - speed class of the timer

    Returns: 1 if successful, 0 otherwise

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    void TIMERstop_clock ()

    Purpose: Stops the interrupt timer.

    Parameters: none

    Returns: nothing

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int timer_expired ()

    Purpose: Function returns whether or not the timer has expired. The timer must have previously been set by set_timer. The typical use is: while(!timer_expired()) { do something }. Note: It is only during the timer_expired call that the play routine is activated

    Parameters: none.

    Returns: whether or not (0 = no; 1 = yes) the timer has expired. The timer must have previously been set by the set_timer() family of routines.

    See also: set_random_interval(), set_random_timer(), set_timer()

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int toggle_wins (int test_screen_1, int test_screen_2)

    Purpose: toggles between two test_screens


    • test_screen_1 (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")
    • test_screen_2 (TEST0,TEST1,...,FIXSPOT,PLAY; #include "css_inc.h")

    Returns: time remaining (in milliseconds; a multiple of the refresh rate). Returns 0 when done, and turns off both stimuli, waiting until they are actually off before returning.

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int touch_item (int test, int position, float radius)

    Purpose: compare the location of touch screen coordinate to the location of an item on the screen; if the difference is less than the radius specified by the user, return TRUE, else return FALSE.


    • test - test# (0-9,FIXSPOT,PLAY,EYE_WIN,BOUND_FIXWIN)
    • position - position within that test (1-x)
    • radius - distance for comparison

    Returns: 1 if difference in location is less than radius (i.e., the touch was within the correct item); 0 if the touch was not in the correct item location; -1 if there was an error or if no touch occurred.

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    U W




    void update_histogram ()


    update the histogram with the current trial's data. Typically called at the end of the trial.

    Parameters: none.

    Returns: nothing.

    See Also: display_histogram(), display_trial_progress()

    Platform: DOS and Windows


    int write (int handle, pchar buffer, int count)

    Purpose: writes data to a currently open file.


    • handle (a currently open file)
    • buffer (data to be written to file)
    • count (number of bytes to be written)

    Returns: the number of bytes actually written

    See also: open(), read()

    Platform: DOS and Windows