Previous Three-Minute Talk Winners
Started in 2017, the OFT sponsors the annual Three-Minute Talks Competition for intramural trainees (Postbac, Predoc, Postdoc, Visiting, Research and Clinical Fellows) at NIMH. The initial stage of this competition is introduced with the Speaking About Science Seminar. This seminar offers tips on presentation delivery, speaking in plain language, and creating an effective visual aid. Trainees who apply to be in the competition will receive individualized coaching sessions, which are focused on how to communicate in three minutes or less the substance of their research in such a way that it can be understood by a broad scientific audience. One on one TmT coaching sessions provides a safe and nurturing environment where trainees receive feedback on speech development and delivery.
The TmT Competition finalists have the opportunity to present their three-minute talks at the NIMH IRP Annual Fellows’ Scientific Training Day.
2022 Winners
2021 Winners
2020 Winners
Riya Dange, Winner of the 2020 Three-Minute Talks Competition
R’Ay Fodor, Winner of the 2020 Three-Minute Talks Competition
Jessica Gerner, Winner of the 2020 NIMH Three-Minute Talks Competition
2019 Winners
Andrew Kittleson, Winner of the 2019 Three-Minute Talks Competition
Kaela Kuitchoua, Winner of the 2019 Three-Minute Talks Competition
Amy Lieberman, Winner of the 2019 Three-Minute Talks Competition
2018 Winners
Franchesca Kuhney, Winner of the 2018 Three-Minute Talks Competition
Laura Padilla, Winner of the 2018 Three-Minute Talks Competition
Elisa Dummett Torres, Winner of the 2018 Three-Minute Talks Competition