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Public Venue-Approved Concepts

Approved Concepts for Requests for Applications (RFAs), Program Announcements (PAs), and Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

Specific information on each initiative, including receipt date, will be available once the once the RFA, PA, or RFP has been published. This page provides links to recently cleared concepts for solicitations and presents key information, including the objectives and descriptions of potential future solicitations and a direct link to NIMH staff contacts. The NIMH staff contacts can provide additional information on specific concepts, where available and appropriate.

This listing of potential future initiatives is meant to provide the earliest possible alert to potential applicants in order to maximize application preparation time. While the NIMH plans to proceed with these initiatives, their publication and timing is not certain and depends on sufficient funds being available. The titles and brief descriptions are consistent with the information available at the time of concept clearance. The resultant RFAs, PAs, RFPs may differ from the concepts in the final wording of the titles or other aspects.

The National Advisory Mental Health Council also conducts NIMH concept clearances.

For more information, see the NIMH Contracts.

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Refinement and Testing of Interventions to Enhance and Sustain ADHD Treatment Effects Across Settings and Developmental Transitions

The goal of this FOA is to support research that evaluates the effectiveness of augmented or modified interventions designed to promote enhanced and sustained improvement in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and functional impairments across settings and transitions throughout childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood.

Addressing Suicide Research Gaps: Understanding Mortality Outcomes

Health care system data (e.g., suicide attempt events) needs to be linked to mortality data so that a more accurate picture of the risks for, and burden of suicide among those seen in care is known.

Addressing Suicide Research Gaps: Aggregating Existing Data Sets for Secondary Analyses

The purpose of this initiative is to leverage prior basic, clinical and intervention research on suicide risk and behaviors by encouraging the integration of existing data sets for novel secondary analyses to identify potential biological, experiential and other predictors and moderators of suicide risk.

Novel Strategies for Targeting HIV-CNS Reservoirs without Reactivation

The goal of this initiative is to stimulate research to identify latently infected cells in the central nervous system (CNS) and developing strategies for viral silencing without pro-viral reactivation.

NIMH’s New Focus in Clinical Trials

The goal of this effort is to transform the manner in which NIMH solicits and conducts clinical trial research, and to focus applications towards an emphasis on the experimental therapeutics approach to the treatment and prevention of mental disorders in adults and children.

Research to Improve the Care of Persons at Clinical High Risk for Psychotic Disorders

The goals of this initiative are to (1) test the effectiveness of interventions that target symptomatic and functional difficulties associated with clinical risk states for psychosis; (2) create an evidence base to inform stepped-care models of early psychosis treatment; and, (3) determine the feasibility for implementing such approaches in community treatment settings within the United States.

Reducing the Duration of Untreated Psychosis in the United States

The goal of this initiative is to support research to identify gaps and bottlenecks in the identification and referral of individuals experiencing first episode psychosis (FEP) in order to develop and test strategies for substantially reducing the duration of untreated psychosis among these individuals.