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Depression, TMS, Psychotherapy and Brain Function

Join a Research Study: Enrolling nationally from around the country

To find out if you qualify, email the study team ( or call 1-301-827-1874 [TTY: 711].

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This research study seeks depressed participants to test the effects of the combination of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and psychotherapy on brain function.

This study is enrolling eligible adults ages 18-75 with major depressive disorder, who are free of other serious medical conditions. If you are currently taking anti-depressants, you may still be eligible.

This inpatient and/or outpatient study involves daily visits for 6 weeks followed by once-monthly visits for 3 months. Participation includes research evaluations, brain scans, and active TMS and psychotherapy, or inactive TMS and psychotherapy. Those who do not respond to treatment may receive a different form of active TMS after the experimental phase is completed. After completing the study, participants receive short-term care at the NIH while transitioning back to a provider. The 3 monthly follow up visits can be conducted via telephone.

All clinical evaluations, research tasks and visits are free of cost. Participants are compensated for research procedures. The study is conducted at the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland, and is enrolling participants nationwide, from across the United States. Travel arrangements are provided, and costs are covered by NIMH (arrangements vary by distance).

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To find out if you qualify, email the study team ( or call 1-301-827-1874 [TTY: 711].

Study Identifiers

  • NIMH Protocol Number: 17-M-0147
  • Study Number: 03289923