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Transforming the understanding
and treatment of mental illnesses.

Neuroscience and Novel Therapeutics Unit (NNT)

Previous Lab Members

Postbaccalaureate Fellows 2018-2020

Photo of some lab members of the postbaccalaureate fellows program

Courtney Agorsor
After completing her postbac training, Courtney Agorsor became a PhD student in Counseling Psychology at University of Denver.

Hong Bui
After completing her postbac training, Hong Bui became a PhD student in Clinical Psychology at University of Maryland.

Hannah Grassie
After completing her postbac training, Hannah Grassie became a PhD student in Clinical Psychology at University of Miami.

Olga Revzina
After completing her postbac training, Olga Revzina became a PhD student in Clinical Psychology at The Catholic University of America.

Caitlin Stavish
After completing her postbac training, Caitlin Stavish became a PhD student in Child-Clinical Psychology at University of Washington.

Postbaccalaureate Fellows 2017-2019

Julia Brooks
After completing her postbac training, Julia Brooks became a PhD student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Michal Clayton
After completing his postbac training, Michal Clayton became a PhD student in Clinical Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University.

Andy Ross
After completing his postbac training, Andy Ross became a PhD student in Clinical Psychology at University of Rochester.

Samantha Perlstein
After completing her postbac training, Samantha Perlstein became a PhD student in Clinical Psychology at University of Pennsylvania.

Postbaccalaureate Fellows 2016-2018

Sofi Cárdenas
After completing her postbac training, Sofi Cárdenas became a PhD student in Clinical Psychology at University of Southern California.

Gretchen Perhamus
After completing her postbac training, Gretchen Perhamus became a PhD student in Clinical Psychology at University of Buffalo.

Ali Roule
After completing her postbac training, Ali Roule became a PhD student in Child-Clinical Psychology at Pennsylvania State University.